Oh my god! That is what this blog is called!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday we travelled from Quito on the bus to Ortavello. We only had little day sacks with clothes as 2 hours away we assumed the temperature would still be the same as Quito! The bus was on the edge of the road next to a 2000-3000 metre drop! (Dad would have had a bloody fit!) I was having a right flap and Kerry thought the view was lovely!!!! We didnt know where Ortavello was and when the bus conductor realised we were still on the bus he dropped us off at a massive petrol station on the outskirts of the town! We headed in a taxi to "La Luna Hostel" and we went the direction we had just come from, then we headed up a steep cobbled path - higher up the mountain.
We arrived at La Luna and it was freezing!!! It was desolate. A man cycled towards us and opened the big gates, he was the owner, he was Equadorian and I can assure you he doesnt know there are other languages in the world apart from Spanish!!!
Our room was nice, had a nice view but I have never felt so isolated!!!! We were above the clouds as when we looked down the side of the mountain there was lots of clouds way beneath us! There was another couple staying there and they were from England. They were so stuck up and posh - they were enjoying the quiet scenery. The hostal also had massive dogs everywhere and anyone that knows me, knows that I am most definately a cat person. I nearly jumped on poor Kerry's back!!!
By the time we had ordered our food (spag bol with some kind of meat I had not tasted before - possibly ginaeu pig?) in what little spanish language we know (it has improved by 1000% since leaving home!) cloud and darkness had engulfed us and it was a little scary! After sitting in silence for a while me and Kerry decided to go to bed so the nightmare would end. It didnt end there!
I went for a cigarette outside and Kerry came with me. There was a noise (like a rustling sound) and me and her have never moved so quick. We locked the door inside the room and then I realised I still had my cigarette - I was so frightened I put it our int the bathroom sink!!!! We were so cold (there was at least a 2 inch gap between the floor and door!) that I decided instead of dying slowly in the freezing cold with hypothermia that I would sleep in my clothes. Kerry also decided she did not want to die so she put extra layers of clothing on top of what she was already wearing! I then complained I was still cold, in the end we both ended up in the double bed (which was on bricks!) shivering all night. It was f*****g terrible. We decided before we went to bed that we would be leaving immediatley the next morning!
This morning we were still shaking with cold and decided to have breakfast. Too late- they had finished breakfasts so there was no food and drink for us! We checked out 2 days earlier than booked and asked for the owner to call us a taxi. We think his words in Spanish were "tough luck!". He told us to walk down the mountain to the town and that it would take 25 minutes.
After walking an hour and a half down steep cobbles (well over 4km) with unruly dogs, waterfalls, loose cows, odd locals who thought we were some kind of exhibition form a museum we reached the town. We decided to just have a look in town before catching the bus bsck to the comfort of Quito. It was really good- we seem to be the only westernised people here and everyone is wearing national dress!!!!! (Is the english national dress morris minor outfits??). Nobody speaks a word of English however there are hostals and hotels.
We had a look round the market (alot smaller today than it will be tomorrow) it was brilliant, lots of stuff and it smelt funny (as most things here). I thought Kerry was going to be sick at one point as there were thousands of chicken heads, cow and pig feet, pig heads, whole lots of meat hanging with thousands of flys on them. I only mentioned to her that I would most likely eat that later! (Who'd be a vegetarian!)
We have obvouisly checked into a hotel becuase we decided it would be good way to get over the "hell" of last night! the hotel is nice and its cost us fiver for the night! It has a balcony which overlooks the main street. We have had a laugh watching the cars go past. There is one boy racer in the town who has opened his boot so everyone can hear his stereo louder! I wanted to shout ' p****#39; at him but it would not have done any good as he wont understand!
Anyway, Kerry has almost finished on the phone again!!!!! Time for Tea!!!
PS. Bought the most gorgeous pair of trainers!
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