The Dashing Diner
Cambodia here we come-bus trip 6 hours - Express -$6-iced cold water,cold wipes and free anxious moments.SW monsoon brings the rain and humidity-but only lasts a few hours and then full rainbows.-oh what to wear?
The good ,the bad and the ugly - a simple way of summarising Cambodia.There were the GOOD in the early years-culminating in the vast Angkor empire unrivalled in the region for 4 centuries-then the BADset in from 13th Centrury -neighbours chipped away Cmabodian territory-It becamel UGLY as a brutal civil war lead to the genocide rule of the Khmer Rouge(1975-1979)
They say Cambodia came into being throught the union of a princess and a foreigner,an Indian Brahman.Like many legnes this story is historically opaque-but it does say something about the cultural forces that brought Cambodia into existance -particularly with India.
Since the glory of the Angkor empire Cmabodia has been on the losing side of many a battle.- a minnow in a school of sharks.
Their attitudes have been shaped by the history - very curious and untrusting yet kind and well meaning.
Between Cambodia and the comparatively powerful neighbours-Thailand and Vietnam-there is fear and loathing.
The Thais are loathed for their patronising attitudes towards thesmaller country.Most Cambodians believe the Thais kidnapped their culture and have aided and abetted Cambodias decline.
Cambodians attitude to the Vietnamese is generally loathing balanced with begrudging respect for their hard work ethic and liberalisation from the Khmer Rouge.
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