18 July 2009
Today, Dave drove us down to the coast.What a beautiful sight.We made our way from Bells Beach, all the way to Apollo Bay, stopping along the way to see the beautiful views.
We stopped for lunch in Lorne, at Lorne Hotel, for a lovely warm Chicken & bacon Salad.We then continued our journey, along Great Ocean Road, where we managed to see some Whales in the Distance.I tried to take pictures, but all they would do, was 'wave' to us.
As we made our way to Apollo Bay (our final destination) it was late in the afternoon, so decided to hang around, and watch the sunset.I managed to take some fantastic pictures.After which we made our way back.
Driving through the mountains, we had no signal, which meant no radio.So Dave and I entertained ourselves by trying to sing some Classics, which I think we did into the ground, never mind the fact that we couldn't even remember all the words, so we laughed mostly, and just made random humming sounds.
19 July 2009
Today, Dave and I met Jen (a girl from Dave's work) for Brunch, which we had at Albert Park.
Timmy - you will be so jelous - I got to ride in a Subaru - yip - Jen drives a Subaru (I've taken a picture especially for you).
Jen then dropped us off at the Stadium for the AFL game, Richmond vs North Melbourne.My goodness, what an exciting game.Richmond had the game in the 1st half (there was a massive gap in points) but then, in the 2nd half, they just gave it away, and played absolute pants.Needless to say, North Melbourne caught up with Richmond, and in the last few minutes of the game, they were battling for who would take the win.In the end it was a draw.I quite enjoyed myself, as Dave and his mates got very excited, shouting endlessly (much to my amusement of course).However I must say, the ref was definitely for North Melbourne, and gave free kicks, etc. where there was no need for it, but then let N. Melbourne, foul regardless.
For those who don't know, the game is made up of Quarters.Each quarter lasts approximately 30 mins, and then about 10 min breaks inbetween.So it just goes on forever, but good fun.
20 July 2009
I really wanted to go and see the exhibition of 'A Day in Pompeii', so today I headed off to the Melbourne Museum.Extremely sad story, yet very interesting.This alone took up most of my day, therefore I wasn't able to see everything else Melbourne Museum had to over.I did however manage to go to the 'Dinosaur' exhibits, and 'Body & Mind', which was very interesting.
Hopefully I'll get to go back to the Melbourne Museum, to see the rest of the exhibits, as well as the IMAX Exhibition before I leave for Sydney.
21 July 2009
Today I met up with James - a guy we met through a friend of Dave's after last Saturday's footie game.We met in town, and went for a lovely coffee, in some side street bar / café.From there, we decided to get some lunch, so went for some lovely Sushi.We then decided it was definitely 'beer-o'clock' so headed for the roof top bar.Unfortunately it was very windy, so we only landed up staying there for 1 drink (fear of being blown off the building, and even worse, fear that our drinks would be blown over and wasted).We then made our way to the 'Lounge Bar' where we stayed all afternoon and evening.A good day was had by all.
22 July 2009
Today, I spent the day with Joan, Dave's mom.She drove us to Dandenong Ranges National Park, where we took a walk through the Park, starting at Sheerbrooke.After our refreshing wonder through the Park, we then set off to Olinda, and stopped for lunch at the 'Pig & Whistle', which had an open fire, it was lovely.
We then went onto SkyHigh Mount Dandenong, to see the views, and take a wonder through the many different gardens.Unfortunately the weather didn't hold out, and the heavens opened, so all we got to see where the 'English Gardens'.From there, we drove around, enjoying the Country side / mountains, and stopped at a few shops to have a wonder round.
24 July 2009
Today I made my way to Queen Victoria Market.Wow, it is massive.Loads of different goods, ranging from clothes, really expensive jewels, fruit and veg, to the best raw meats and fish money could buy.Unfortunately all I could do was browse, but enjoyed it nevertheless.However, I was cheesy, and picked up a couple of Australia phone charms - of course with Koala's.My main reason for going to the market (besides the fact that it is supposed to be the greatest market around, was to try and get a variety of Cheese, biscuits, olives and dips, to thank the Hennessy's for having me).They really have been great.Fantastic company, and couldn't do enough to make my visit more comfortable.Fortunately I found a fantastic stall, that put a few things together for me according to what I remembered of what they enjoy.
I ended my trip to the market, with a nice relax in Flagstaff Gardens, before I met up with Dave after work, and hit and few bars, and then onto a club called Marakesh for a good boogie.We only finished again at some time in the am so a great night was had by all.
25 July 2009
Well, today got off to a slow start (can't for the life of me imagine why - hehe).So it was a lovely relaxing morning, and preparation for the afternoon ahead.John, Dave's brother invited me to a friend's surprise birthday BBQ, so that in it's self says enough.
I had an absolute fantastic time.Met loads of different people.The Aussies were really friendly and welcoming, and kept me amused with their terminology / or shall is say 'Slang / Abbreviations'.Don't think I have ever met anyone / any nationality yet that abbreviates just about everything (except the IT Crowd of course)There were quite a few English peeps there also, so we had loads to chat about.One of the guys has only been here a few months, so he is kinda in the same boat as me - still exploring Australia.I then got chatting to a girl who is from Essex, who has been here in Aus now for 2 years (well her visa is up in a couple of months) so we got chatting about the agricultural work that is required to get a 12 month extension (off of the initial 12 month visa you get).She then advised me of 'Pearl Farming'.She had tried various 'agricultural work', and hated it, but then she found 'Pearl Farming' and said this by far was her most enjoyable experience.So, she has given me their number, so this may just be a possibility for the new year, should I want to stay on for a further 12 months.
26 July 2009
I was supposed to go with Dave to the AFL today, but unfortunately I was taking abit of strain, after Friday nights partying, and then carried on, on Saturday at the BBQ.So I opted for the lazy option, and lazed about all day.So not a very productive day, but sometimes its needed.And unlucky for me, it was such a great game of footie.So abit sad I missed all the excitement, but when the body tells you to chill, there is just no point in arguing really!
27 July 2009
Today, was a day spent at the National Gallery Of Victoria (NGV), where the exhibition I was interested in was 'Salvador Dali:Liquid Desire'.
This is the first comprehensive retospective of the work of Salvador Dali staged in Australia, which comprises of more than 200 works in all media-painting, drawing, watercolour, etchings, sculpture, fashion, jewellery, cinema and photography.It traces the genius of Dali from his earliest years as an exceptionally talented 14 year-old, to the final majestic paintings created when the artist was in his 70's.The exhibition is drawn from the holdings of the two largest collections of Dali in the world - the Fundacio Gala-Salvador Dali in Figueres, Spain, and the Salvador Dali Museum in St Petersburg, Florida.
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