29 July 2009
This morning I left Melbourne, for Sydney very early, which got me into Sydney for 9.25am.I definitely haven't brought the right bag to travel around with.I brought my backpack, but it is so massive to carry on my back, that I might just keel over backwards, so I'm seriously contemplating a wheeley case instead - much more convenient.Especially when you have to pay between $3,00 & $4,00 to hire a trolley to push your bag in and out of the airport - and no, you DON'T get your monies back.I know, I can hear you saying madness …. That's just what I thought.So Spikey, yes, you were right, the bag is far too big for me to carry on my back (seeing that its just about the same size as me).I just don't think I'd make it very far.So, I may be shopping for another case (not really an expense I want, BUT, if it means less strain on my back, and less hassle, then I'm all for it (and its not as if I'm heading out into the jungle for a few months, or trekking along the desert).
Anyway, after settling at my new possie here in Sydney, I had a tour of the mushroom farm, where I will start work Thursday, 6 August 2009.Fortunately it is not as bad as I or anyone would have thought.They are grown in a warehouse, which is extremely clean, and kept at a moderate temperature of 17 degrees.So I won't be knee deep in s***, instead I will pass through crates and crates of mushrooms being grown.Did you know that mushrooms double in size of 12 hours … News to me!
In the evening Leif welcomed me with a lovely Barbie, and much wine.So it was a great 1st day / eve in Sydney.
31 July 2009
Today I took the train to Circular Quay, where I got to adventure Sydney Harbour.I had a wonder around Sydney Opera House - my goodness what an amaising building.
I jumped on a Ferry to Darling Harbour, which stopped at the following Ports along the way:
Milsons Point / Luna Park, McMahons Point, Balmain East, Balmain, Darling Harbour (Aquarium Wharf), Pymont Bay.
It was such a lovely day, with the sun blaizing, that I decided not to jump off the ferry and explore each port.Also, I haven't got myself all clued up yet, as to which Port has what to offer (very unorganised I know).So need to get my butt into gear, and do abit more reading on Sydney.
I then had a lovely Smoked Salmon & Avocado Salad with a glass of Champaign for lunch.Lavish I know, but hey, I am exploring the Harbour, so may as well go all out.Can you believe the Champagne was cheaper than the wine?I know, how bizarre but hey, I'm not complaining.
I then jumped on another Ferry to Mosman, which stopped at the following Ports along the way:
Cremorne Point, South Mosman, Old Cremorne, Mosman Bay.Absolutely stunning.Again I decided not to get off the Ferry, until I have a better undstanding of which Port has what to offer.This trip was great, passing all the lovely mansions on the mountains, and seeing beautiful Yachts, Sail boats, and other Cruisers.My dad, you would have been in awe!!
1 August 2009
Today was a trip to the Blue Mountains.It was absolutely beautiful.The mountains, actually a sandstone plateau bisected by deep gorges, are named after their distinctive colouring caused by a blue haze created when light filters through the mist of oil discharged from the eucalyptus forests.The highway through the mountains parallels the railway line, which follows the main ridge, and the townships cluster of the heights leaving the vast forested canyons, which drop off at either side, to their uninhabited splendour.The towns en route include Lapstone, Glenbrook, Blaxland, Warrimoo and Valley Heights.
From the Echo Point Lookout we could see the Three Sisters standing sentinel alongside the Jamison Valley.Absolutely fantastic.
We ended our trip with a lovely Hot Chocolate in a lovely little Coffee Shop in Leura.
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