Once again, I seem to have negected to keep this up to date - so, attempting to keep my thoughts in order, much for my own benefit than for that of you the reader, this could be a long one...
A little over 2 weeks ago I arrived in the town of Agnes Water. It's where C'apt Cook landed to in Queensland and is now known as the birthplace of the state. Where it gets a little confusing is Agnes Water and the Town of 1770 (named, I believe, after the year it was discovered) are, on a map at least, two completely different towns. But the locals (and the bus website) seem to combine it as one. This makes travel bookings incredibly frustrating! Still, nice place. Stayed in the nicest hostel I've found in Australia as yet - called Cool Bananas. Great hostel. Crap name.
Wound up staying for just over a week all together. The owner, a guy called Greg was a nice guy. He got us a days work in an office, in return for a day trip out to the Great Barrier Reef. Worth about 100 quid - result! So, myself and Mike together with a canadian couple (Amy and Lindon) were woken at some stupid hour to work at the Lady Musgrave Island Tours office. The girls were let off lightly, we just had a bit of admin to do, typing and the like. (Dull as hell mind you) whilst the boys were stuck out the back scraping barnicals off the base of a boat and repainting. Felt a little conned as we had to go back again the following morning to 'help' at the towns festival.
Let me explain - once again (by complete fluke) we'd managed to wander into a town for the *most exciting event of the year* or something like that. There was a parade in which the boat company were joining in. They needed some balloons blown up, which we agreed too. Then without warning we were donning bright yellow t-shirts and snorkels (best not to ask) and part of the parade! I was in charge of handing lollies out to small children. I was allowed to eat some. 'Some' was not a specified number. I got my sugar fix for the week. :)
Anyway, very long story short, we eventually had paid our dues and so a few short days later we were aboard the 'Spirit of 1770' and setting sail (or powering engine) for the outer barrier reef.
The excitement was short lived. The first thing that was said to us was that it was a 'little' blustery - so anyone that gets seasick easily should leave... Think only one family abandoned ship. 20 minutes later it was like a scene out of a horror movie. Everyone was seeing their breakfast again. I escaped, just. There was a rocky moment when the man in front started hacking. Charming. Anyway, after an hour and a half we were offloaded onto a floating pontoon. (Just what those who had been ill needed - another unstable surface). We got to go snorkelling in a lagoon area. I've never seen so many different fish, it was beautiful. We'd been each given underwater cameras as a thank you for helping in the parade - so hopefully I should have some fishy shots. It's on old school 35mm, so awaiting development... Watch this space.
So the next day we had a bit of extra time, we decided to do a tour around the area on motorbike/scooter things. Well, I'd like to believe they were motorbikes - they looked like them, but had an engine usually used to power a washing machine. Fun tho. I got to 70kph. Felt like I was going at the speed of sound. Almost. I hear that Hells Angels are trying to track me down to join them.
We stopped off halfway round to see some kangaroos close up, then watch the sun sink over the sea. Got our 4th free thing in 1770, some (very tasty) wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce. The latter is very underrated in my humble opinion.
I think thats a long enough blurb. One of my favourite places in Australia I think on reflection. Happy days.
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