Will I ever leave!? Queenstown has an ability to catch you in it's web and make it impossible to leave ...oh go on then, one more day. (5 have since passed), but with such a charming city and a laid back (uni-esqe) nightlife I can see why people stick around.
Looking back, I couldn't really tell you what I've been up to all week. With the sun shining everyday, it has been stupidly easy to waste away a day sitting by the waterfront admiring the views, people watching with a cold beer - convincing ourselves that today will be the day we book our seat on the bus out of here.
St Paddy's day was spent here, after a morning of the coolest mini golf I have ever seen. A huge rocket that blasted off when your ball ran under it (together with 5,4,3,2,1 and thunderbirds theme tune) a ski lift and gondola that your ball rode up a mountains in, waterfalls and a free lollipop at the end!) We retired to a pub to grab some lunch and enjoy 'one or two' beverages. Think it's best if I leave it there to be honest. Brilliant night.
Yesterday we went to Milford Sound, long day on the bus, but amazing scenery that my pictures just don't do justice. Saw mirror lakes, waterfalls and mountains and travelled by boat through a 250m deep fiord of beautiful blue)
Since then has been fairly chilled, still with the same people as in Wanaka and it feels like I've known them for years. Sharing a room with Fiona and have enjoyed being seranaded with songs from the musical Joseph each morning...
Eventually managed to leave Queenstown after a full week, must admit that it was so very nice to have one place to lay your head for such a length of time. Knowing where to step so you don't stub your toe, or bang your head. Gaining an understanding of which doors bang and which creak, so you can avoid waking the whole room... (Well, I can avoid waking them, they still bleedin' wake me!). Still, a lovely little town to stay in, although my wallet is pretty happy that I've left.
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