Hey, hope you're doing well Hazel. Expect that you're too busy out having adventures to go online hehe
Hazey will you two have somewhere sorted by August, because... http://www.ripcurlboardmasters.com/ xx
Hey Hazey :)
Your blogs are so cool! I bet the kids were loving you bouncing about in their classroom.
Just a quick update- holiday didn't exactly go to plan. Injured myself getting off the ski-lift for the very first time, and that was game over for the rest of my holiday. Sucked big time, but still had a nice break away though.
Ooh we might be getting to see the young Caro soon! :)
Take care xXx
Hi Hazel
I love your photos looks fab where you are. I'd like to have a go at the sand surfing, although it looks exhausting. I am going to see grandma soon so will take some of our pics with me to show her what you've been upto. The pics of you on your horse reminds me of when you were small and you use to go horseriding. Simon came home very drunk on Saturday night/sunday morning for martin's leaving do. He flies out to Italy on Thursday. I told him not to roll up his sleeves, other wise he will frighten people! He said he will become a jigalow on the ship with all the rich ladies!! Take care talk soon chick xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mxx
Hi Hazel
I love your pictures of you at the school - from your blog sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed it. I am totally jealous of the sunshine and being able to go for a swim how fantastic that must be, it is cold, wet and blowing a hoolie down here on the island.
We have bought a campervan called Daisy May - bright yellow can't miss her. Needs some work but have Russ as the expert to call on he can guide us. Totally different driving experience from anything I have ever driven before! We will be broke from now on buying stuff for it.
OK take care enjoy every moment - you look good and very healthy! Love Anne and Lewis xxxx
Hi Hazel
Lovely to see some photos of you, you look so brown and healthy. I like the pictures of you with the school children, it suits you, I could see you teaching children in the class room I think you would be good at that. I have just got to work on a very grey Thursday morning and wish so much that I was in NZ now. I will just have to sit a dream about it today. Well take care chick, miss you loads and I expect we will talk soon. Lv mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey, hope things are going well Hazel, not heard from you in a while, you must be keeping busy! :)
Just letting you know that I've been looking into art and craft galleries/shops in falmouth...there's loads! If you and Caro had spare time when you get there there's plenty of scope to make and sell things! I'm so jealous haha wish I had that great an opportunity here.
Speak soon, (off to Italy for the snow this weekend, yay!)
Hello Hazey, it's been ages since chatted with you! I havn't been online much like I use to, missing you! hope you're having fun, and isn't it awesum news about Caro :D ! Well done Caro! Hope you two get house sorted xx
Thanks :)
I'll be doing a MSc Conservation and Biodiversity, I'm so excited about it, about moving down there and be with Hazey!
Hi Caro
Just to say well done caro, you are a clever girl. It will be fantastic with you and haz both in Falmouth. What course will you be taking at Falmouth Uni? I bet hazel will be over the moon when she reads you message.
Take care hope to see you both soon, lv sue xx
Good news: I have a conditional offer for the Master in Falmouth!
Conditional because I haven't yet send the references and my degrees and transcripts. So basically, I'm in!!!
When you come back, we need to discuss accomodation etc, if you're ok to share something with me.
I'm so excited!!
Have a good road trip, missing you loads!
Thanks Caro - missing you loads. How is sunny Oxford? And most importantly how's the new bike - shredding i hope. I borrowed an crappy GT for a couple of weeks and rode the concrete park, was fun. Still can't do anything new though, ha ha.
I'll be leaving sunny Wanaka on Wednesday to do my roadtrip, so should be an adventure i'm sure.
Hope everyone are ok and smiling.
Missing you
H xx
glad to see you're enjoying yourself! will be good to see you when you're back though, missing you loads! xxx