It is boxing Day now, so christmas has come and gone for you, I really missed you. I like the idea of having a bbq though, turkey kebabs next year it will be!!
Just read your message about your jacket, the post master was lying to me, telling me it would only take 3 or 4 days to get there, not 3 or 4 weeks!!
Well that's all for now, take care chick. Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just looked through your photos... i'm jealous! god I missing NZ, such an amazing place! Hope everything is still going good! Love Simon
Hey xx
Thank you so much for the message, it's christmas day here so its been a treat reading them. Mum i got my jacket and the pics of peggy, thank you xx
thats not good about matt and gems car, hope they got back to cambridge ok.
would of been ace to of gone out mtbing with you and matty, i knew matt would still be quick on the hills! i'll show him though when i get home. I did a 5 hr mtb ride on Sunday, was really tough going due to strong winds, but was fun though.
Hope everyone has an ace christmas break.
thanks caro, sam for the messages, i'll be back soon so we'll be able to meet up for cake and bmx action!
love ya all
H xx
Hi Hazel,
Hope this finds you ok and looking forward to Christmas day, its been so busy at home trying to the ready for Christmas day and the van ready for the new year, just waiting for my Dad, Claire and David to arrive, and at long last Simon got out his sick bed having got man flue.
Matt and Gemma can over yesterdayand stayed the night and had a mini xmass dinner, Matt and i went mtb in Shinning Cliffe Woods we also took peggy with us, matt went well up the hills and just as fast down them we where out for 2hours and good fun. they went back today but their car broke down on the M1 at Nottingham the water pump had broken so they had to be towed back to Cambridge just awaiting for them to give us a ring when they get home.
Any way enough of our news have a good Christmas day hope to speak to you soon,
Hi Hazel,
just seen the new photos of milford sound, sounds like you are starting to get thinks sorted out just start enjoying it, simon has a bad cold, matt & gem coming over tomorrow me and matt going mtb,ing on a local route not as much climbing as you have been doing, will let you know how it goes tomorrow, having problems putting the internal side cards in to the camper taking alot of work and time, still hoping to take ruby to the lakes next sat, look forward to hearing from soon.
Love dad,
It's only now I realised there's a message board! haha!
Hope everything is going well and that you're settling in fine now you moved to your room. I'm sure everything is exciting and fresh. Looking at your pics I so wish I could be there....
It's cold here, I have to put a blanket over the engine of my car (Donna Loser ;) ) so it keeps warm and starts in the morning. I've got a bad cold and had to take a sickie this week. No riding either as I don't want to get it worse, although I might go on a street session in London on Sunday. I want to change my frame again now to have a more stable bike for messing around in street (I blame your brother and you for that!).
Hum, that's about it. Any magpies around?
Miss you xxxx
Hi Hazel, I just got the link to this from Caro, fab idea hun :)
Speak soon, take care :) xxXX
Hi Hazel
Hope all's well with you, have you got anything sorted for crimbo yet, I don't like the thought of you spending it alone. Just knock on someone's door and say, you lost your way, and is there any chance of a few mince pies!! well worth a try. I have just driven back from the Oxford services on A34 to see gandma, Anne and Honey, she is getting very leggy now, still wiggling around every where. Have you received your parcel from me yet? I have done a tracking check, and it say's that it has been handed to the New Zealand postel service, but that was a week ago. Let me know if it hasan't arived yet and I will go to the post office and will ruffle a few feathers! Dad and I have been covering the inside door panels for the camper, hopefully getting it fairly fit to travel to the lakes in, probably take us 12 hours to get there, i'm dredding the journey it will be so slow. We will have to go at top speed '60mph' for the whole journey just to get there in around 4 hrs! if all goes well! Well chick, I have rambled on enough for today. Talk again soon. Stay safe lv mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx peggy say's woof woof
Bonjour Hazel!
Just looked at your pictures and they made me miss New Zealand so much! I have now finished uni and had my final exam last Thursday - wahoo! Now Matt and I are trying to get sorted for crimbo, we are getting my little red car back on the road as we can't face the dreaded 3hr coach ride from Oxford to Cambridge anymore! Think we are going up to see the Wakefield clan on Christmas eve.
Matt was in London at the weekend and did a photo-shoot with George who asked him to pose with two dead turkeys in his hands and wearing a butcher's outfit (only Matt could relish the thought of this!!) he brought the picture home and said that the photo might appear in a magazine!
Other than that, there isnt much happening here, I do hope that you are settling into Kiwi life out there, we are thinking of you lots and i'm sure we'll speak again soon. Keep enjoying it hun.
Lots of Love Gem (Matt send big brother hugs too!) xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Anne Barber
Hello Hazel
Gem's mad mum here! So glad you made it over there and I hope you have a truly wonderful time - it is freezing here - really cold so you are in a much better place. Gem and Matt are working hard and paying off debts from their trip - but I know they wouldn't have missed it and I hope your trip goes well too. Take care
Hi Hazel,
just viewed your photo's they look great weather seems to be ok, glad to here your starting to get things sorted and enjoying it, well done !!! mum and me have just started covering the campers side and door cards they look good hope to fit them tomorrow, trying to get ruby ready so we can take her to the lakes, and i can take my bike up with us. Just ordered a yeti acr full suspension x-country frame picking it up tomorrow from the post office will get it built up by spring. Hope to book the 12/24 at plymouth next week. Well enough of me, look forward to hearing form yoy soon get some photo's of the mtb trails.
Love Dad. xxxxxx
hey mum, when i move into this room at the weekend i'll let you know the address. probs best not sending stuff to the freeride address, i haven't heard anything about my jacket. hope its not lost.