How are things going, have you got your car yet what is it like, put a picture of it on your blog. Weather is very poor here at present, well it's winter I suppose. I tore a ligament and pulled a bit of bone off in my foot last week, just stepping off the pavement on my way into work, and went over on my ankle, it woke me up that morning that's for sure, so had to go to the DRI and get it looked at. But all in all it's not too bad, it's better when I am walking about on it, although they did say I had to rest it, hu! how can I do that!! How are your bones, did they get a bashing coming downhill at a rate of knotts? Have you got any pics of your race?
Well all for now chick, take care lots of love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hazel
Just a quick message to wish you good luck for your down hill race, hope you enjoy it, and 'stay on'! mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hazel,
we got back yesterday after a week in the lakes stayed in a nice place round the back of Skiddaw, camper went upand back ok 4hours each way, with the new heater fan fitted which kept us warm, used in a few times to take all six of us and the two dogs to a few walks, Lewis managed to get us down a 3mile off road (white lane) route, but ruby managaed ok. On the friday i rode from the apartment round the back of Skiddaw to Skiddaw house to Blencantra centre then on the old railway to Keswick and back via Dodd wood 20m but the 1st 13mile was in 2-4inch of snow hard work but great fun feet frozen when i got back,
Hope you are ok and still enjoying NZ, hear from you soon
Hi Haz
Well we made it from the Lakes back to sunny derbyshire, the camper didn't skip a beat. We have had a brill time, even had a bit of snow to walk in, the view's were fantastic with snow on the tops, will show you the pictures when you come back. Peg's and honey got on well, for a 6 mth old puppy, she did not stop running around all week, and she wasan't bothered about the weather conditions at all. Grandma did well as we all walked up to the base of ullock, which is round the back of Skidaw very high up, but the weather beat us all down, plus I had a streaming cold, although I kept going through the week and ended up walking through my cold managing then to give it to David poor lad. thank you for our christmas card I liked all the drawings on the envelope. Well the cats were glad to see us, kitty has just finished her fourth bowl of food, and still wants more, she is so greedy. Simon has not long got back, he has had a brilliant time by all accounts, but thinks he might have injured his collor bone, it looks very swollen. Sid said it was a fantastic place to go snow boarding it looked fantastic. So we are all glad to be back home and looking forward to a good night sleep. Well bi bi for now, will talk again soon. ps have a large bar of kendal mint cake for you. mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy new years to you too,
thanks for the lovely messages, missing you all loads. hope your having a great time in the Lakes. Good to hear from you matty, can't belive you had to change gems gears, that did make me chuckle.
hey, sam, chris and caro - miss you guys loads. thats ace about the snowboarding trip! take loads of photo's won't you!
not upto much at the moe, being very lazy! may go on a hike in a bit.
take care
h xx
Hi Hazel
Happy New Year chick, hope you had a good new years eve. We went to the pub had a lovely meal and came back and watched young frankestiene, very funny. We are in Keswick in an internet cafe at present, so great to be able to talk to you. How is your cold better I hope. Dad say's hi and wishes you well for your new year. Well I will ring you soon, take care miss you lots. Love mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Hazel
HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are all sitting in a cafe in Keswick - we all want to say Hi and hope that you enjoyed your new year celebrations - we saw Sydney fireworks on the tv and thought about you. Our house in Keswick is lovely way out at the top of Bassenthwaite lake. The dogs are getting along although Peggy has taken on Bonnie's role and puts Honey in her place when needed. Weather is raining of course - supposed to get colder towards the end of the week would be good to see some snow! There was a smattering on the top of the hills when we came. OK will hand over to your mum lots of love from us all.
Happy new year my sweet! Miss you loads xxxxxxxx
Big Bruv N Gem
Hi Hazel! Happy New Year! Just read all the blogs n seen your photos, very nice - wish i was out there riding with you. have had a nice chilled xmas, eating sprouts and watching only fools and horses christmas specials. Going back to Oxford tomorrow n back to work on the 2nd. Went on a bike ride with Gem yesturday which was funny, i had to change her gears for her whilst riding!
Anyway smell, have a good new year party n may 2008 bring you more adventures...
Miss you. Love Matt and Gem xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
First time we've been online over Xmas, so hope you had a lovely time. What are your plan for over the new year? It's been a fairly quiet time here for us two, but nice though. I cooked my first turkey and managed to leave one of the two giblet bags in the turkey, but it still tasted alright Chris said, haha. He's still alive, as are the neighbours cats.
We've booked for snowboarding yesterday, going in Feb to a place called Sauze D'oux, right on the Itlaian,French,Swiss border, in Italy. Can't wait :)
Well got to pop off, going riding now. Speak soon.
Love Sam xx
Hi Hazel,
great to hear from you yesterday, and that you had a good xmass, and looking forward to the new year, thanks for the goodies have taken the bottle of baileys to lakes. Have just packed up Ruby with my bike on the back and awaiting the hayling island lot so we can set off.
Your photos where good and enjoyed looking at them, have now got your Mt Wakefield photo as my back screen on the laptop.
Well just to say have a good news year eve, and a good 2008, speak to you soon,
Love Dad.
Hi Hazel
I have just viewed all your photos, did not realise there were so many mount Wakefield looks very impressive! I am at work at present, and a few of us have all been sitting round watching the slide show, fantastic we wish we were all there. Your christmas day sounded great, how are the dogs, what are their names? Well I had better get some work done now I suppose ha ha. Take care talk soon. mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx