Leaving Gili Air was a hard decision but we knew that we needed some time on our own and away from the many beach parties.
We island hopped across to Gili meno with the intention of staying at casa blanca which had been arranged by one of our local friends on GIli air.We made our way there and were pleased with our first impressions of the place however it took 2 minutes for us to change our minds. They showed us their basic room which was awful, it was dirty and run down, there was no way we were staying here. We made our excuses and made our way to a beach cafe for a drink and to make our next plan of action. Ed and I took it in turns to walk around the island trying to find some decent accommodation, Ed nearly made it round the island without much luck until he looked in one last place on the west side of the island, the bungalows were brand new and gorgeous. We were extremely lucky to find it was within our budget, the bungalows had thatched roofs and outdoor showers. We were in the middle of a field with a few cows as neighbours, total peace and quiet....or so we thought!
The beaches were much better than on Gili air however the jelly fish were still a problem so it limited our swimming to just a quick cool off before getting out again.
Stupidly I hadn't read any of the information in our guide books on Gili meno so we were unaware of the hugh salt lake in the middle of the island which was a breeding ground for Mosquitos. I was in trouble there would be no escaping them and I was right, the bites that had now disappeared and I no longer worried about were back and even more than before. So I was covered up at night trying to prevent them biting me as much as possible however my efforts failed and I was soon a blotchy mess.
We had planned on staying for 10 days but we soon changed our minds when we spent our first night in our luxury bungalow, the music from Gili trawagan could be heard clearly until 6am in the morning, So much for this island being a honeymoon location.
We stayed for 7 days and decided we couldn't stay another night and we would head back to Gili Air for 4 days before heading back to Bali. We were both pleased to be leaving.
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