On our way to Rotorua we stopped at a Mauri museum for a bit, where they didn't really do much and then made us taste some very strange and disgusting food. We only stayed in there for about 15 mins and then it was time to go back to the kiwi bus and drive into Rotorua. All morning I had had a feeling that I had forgotten something and when we were walking back to the bus, Katie said that she saw someone that looked exactly like Steve, and then there he was. We had left Steve at Taupo, which had been quite sad and then here he was again. He had driven all the way to Rotorua to bring me my jacket, as I had left it on my bed at the hostel. How sweet of him! Don't know what I would have done without my jacket, as it was the only coat I had taken with me. Steve to the rescue!
After a tearful goodbye to Katie I went and checked in to my hostel, and ended up being booked into a 12 bed dorm! I had got so used to being in small dorm rooms that didn't really want to be in a big one again, but oh well. The afternoon was spent catching up with emails and having a little walk around town. Rotorua's lovely but has a lovely eggy smell, due to all the steam works that they have there.
That night I had booked to go to the Mauri evening. Steve had booked into the same hostel as me, so came along too. So there we were on the bus driving along to our evening out with the strangest bus driver ever! It was like we were on a school trip, being made to sing cheesy songs. Would have been quite funny if we were drunk, but was highly annoying being stone cold sober!
Afte a long, annoying journey we arrived and was taken in to the entrance. We were welcomed by a traditional Mauri dance by the men and then taken through a Mauri village that would have looked exactly how it did years ago. We got to take part in Mauri games, or got pushed into them literally. They asked for a volunteer and Steve kindly pushed me forward! I then managed to get him involved to luckily, so didn't look like an idiot on my own. It was then time to watch some more dancing, which sometimes is quite scary when they stick their tongues out and their eyes go really big, but it was quite enjoyable. Not just because there was a very nice bloke with his top off, which is why Steve said I enjoyed it! lol. Definitely not the reason, I was interested in the dancing!
Well after this we had dinner, which had been cooked the traditional Mauri way. Was the best food I had had in ages. As soon as the bar opened Steve raced up and got a bottle of red wine, so we were set for the rest of the night! The evening was good, but a bit disappointing, so very glad Steve had come along as didn't have to suffer on my own. I went to bed when we got home, as we were getting up early to go to the Waitomo Caves to see the glow worms the next day, very exciting.
We were told that it was going to be a few hours drive to Waitomo, but Steve being a typical bloke said that we would get there in plenty of time. Well, a few hours later and still not there I had to ring and try to get us booked onto the later tour. Of course this was not Steve's fault! lol, bless him. The woman on reception was fine with it and managed to put us onto the next one, which turned out for the best in the end, as there were just four of us on it. Me and Steve and a couple - Emma and Mike. We all got on really well and had great fun in the caves together. Getting ready was the funniest, as yet again I found myself in another very attractive wet suit, but with shocking additions! A lovely pair of baggy shorts, (which they assured us were needed), sexy white boots and a striking white helmet! We then had to pick the correct size rubber ring to take in with us. In order to get the correct size, we had to stick our bums as far in as we could! So there I was bending over with my bum through a rubber ring in my lovely outfit!! Could we have looked any sillier?? Couldn't stop lauging at Steve, will never forget the image of his bum sticking through the rubber ring.
Was so glad that there was another girl there just like me, struggling to walk across the rocks, through the water on the rocks and jumping backwards off the waterfalls! I was sometimes a bit scared, and thought 'what the hell am I doing jumping off a waterfall in a rubber ring', but it was so much fun! I think the sky dive took away my inhibitions. The best bit though was when we came towards the end of the caves and hooked our feet under the person infront of us, and floated through in our rings with hundreds of glow worms above us! It looked so beautiful and was gutted that I didn't have my camera with me. Will never forget it though.
After we got out we were knackered, freezing and starving, but was sad that it was over. We were given yummy hot soup and bagels for lunch and then it was time to go back to the hostel, we said bye to Emma and Mike and started the long journey home. Poor Steve had to drive all that way whilst I slept for most of it, must have been a boring journey for him, but was great for me! :-)
When we got back we decided to have a drink together in the hostel bar, which turned into quite a lot of drinks, with Emma and Mike who had drove down and Naomi and her boyfriend. Was a great night, but oh man did I regret it the next day. Had to get up early to check out, because instead of waiting for the Kiwi bus to take me to Paihia, Steve had offered to drive me, along with Naomi and Charlie. Again I had the hangover from hell and was having to suffer in a car, instead of a nice warm bed. I slept most of the way, so was not too bad but was in desperate need of proper sleep on anything that was flat and still.
We arrived at Paihia approximately six hours later!!! Pure torture! We then had to walk around and find a hostel, as most of them were fully booked. We eventually found one called the Bay Adventurer. I've never been so happy to get into bed and that's where I stayed until the next morning.
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