Hayley & Holly On Tour 2006
Up to the North Island we go!
Picton was a fine town indeed, though to be fair we really didn't see much of it. We drove from Nelson along Queen Charlottes Drive thinking it would be quicker than taking the main road back to Blenheim. When will we learn? The only normal roads in New Zealand are the major routes, the others are death traps not that heavily disguised! After about an hour of having my bum clenched constantly around corners with sheer drops into the ocean aside those, we reached Picton which was much much smaller than I had imagined. A rather sleepy place, not many people about at all. We had a bottle of wine in a sea front bar and that was that.
Our ferry left at 8am the next morning so we were up at 5.45am as we had to que from 7am. The ferry was much shabbier than we had anticipated (since we paid over $200 to use it all in all) and the crossing was not much fun. Three hours passed reasonably quickly as we both tried our hardest not to be ill and then we were in Wellington.
Because we have Oprah we can't stay in Wellington as there are no camp sites in the city so we're in the burbs, Lower Hutt to be precise but the bus is cheap and frequent so it's really not a problem. We have been to Te Papa the National Museum which is huge and has a lot of information to take in. Holly has gone back today and I have been shopping for birthday gifts (I've told her I'm getting her a puppy, but I'm not really). I must go now and get the 'puppy' wrapped up and safe before Holly can see them, oh sorry, it.
Missing you all,
Hayley & Holly
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