Hey Girlies! Just a quick note to say enjoy the rest of your trip, not long left now! I hope you've had an amazing time, really looking forward to hearing all about it on Friday!! Bring on the drinking games Miss Gould! I'm now onto my last week at work.... I'm so not organised but hey, I'm sure it will all come together!?? Have a safe journey home and we will see you both very soon!!! Yay! Love Laura xx
Howdy ladies,
So you are at last venturing back to see us country folk huh? Brilliant news, not that i wish to cut short your amazing trip, but it really has been too long. Both I and the Bistro pine for your company my friends! Plus Keane and I are keen to witness your alleged new found drinking prowess Hol!
Take care guys, travel safe, can't wait to see you soon Emxxx
PS... Apparently you need to try Twinkies while you're there! (As in Grease... Twinkies and Wine... he he) Let us know what you think!! :) x
Hello! Just checking to see how you're finding America but no word yet! :( I have handed in my notice at work and I fly out there on June 16th!! Not long left now! I can't wait!!!! You will have to update this and give me an idea of some good places to visit while I'm there. Mum and Mark say hi and they wish they were there. Photo's are fab! Take care, love Laura xxx
Emma B
Soz meant Couldnt get Steve Wright, u know what i mean - DOH! and yes i am still dopey at all times! Ex
Emma B
Hey Hols, glad you had a fab birthday! I could get Steve Wright to shout you a message this year - hehe! just been looking at photos, and i am glad to see that you have the ole spectacles on! good gal! anyway Enjoy and cant wait to catch up when you get back! luv ya. Em x
Deb,nick And David
Hiya Holly hope you had a great birhday was thinking of you
but only managed to get on the site today, looks like you are having a wonderfull time see you when you get home love your cousins
Happy Birthday to ginge! Sorry its late but i would have imagined Sarah would have put me on her message, glad to hear you had a wicked day anyway. All the best x
Hey guys,
Just a quick message to say thank you for all the birthday messages, it was very nice to read them all. I had a lovely day, fed a baby lamb at the sheep show, went on a cable car and luge ride and then went out and a nice big dinner of mussels and pizza and perhaps a few drinks- it was all Hayleys fault, i was totally innocent!!
I shall update the website soon before we leave New Zealand on Saturday. I tried the other day and i did something wrong and lost it- ooopss- and catch up on what we have done!
Happy birthday for yesterday Aunty Jill, hope you had alovely day as well.
Thanks again for the messages, now going for a KFC to help ease the pain!
Lots of love
Happy Birthday Holly!! Its a grey old day here.. hope you are having much more fun than we are.. Loved the photos...looking forward to seeing them all when you get back.. Have fun and Take care xxxx
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Hollyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, happy birthday to yoooooooooooooooou!!!!!!!! Have a great one..... If it's not finished already!??? I get confused with this time difference thing!? xxxx
Hey lady, happy birthday!! Did you get the kinky hampster ecard I sent? Made me giggle anyway! Anyway I hope you have a fantastic day my friend, and if I know Ms Brunton there will definitely be some large glasses of wine involved! Where are you towo off to next? I find it hard to keep up - are you back soon? End of June right? Think i can just about hold on that long but not a minute longer! Have a brilliant day guys and a large glass for me:-) Emxxxxx