As James said, we got back today from Jo and Jim's wedding which was fantastic, a really lovely day and great to catch up with James' family before heading off. We also had a lovely evening with my family tonight (11 of us - seem to be growing in numbers by the day!), and had an exceptionally good home cooked goulash which is the sort of thing we'll be missing when we're away!
As you can see from the photo we're all packed up and ready to go (or so we hope!) so just looking forward to starting the trip now - although not impressed by getting an irritating cold - think I'm going to need lots of tissues on the plane! At least we're going to warmer climes, think it's my body's way of telling me it wants warmer weather!
Adam asked me at the wedding what I was looking forward to the most and I realised it's such a hard question. There are so many different things we'll see and do and I really can't say what I think I'll enjoy the most - I'll just have to wait and see!
Things I'll miss
Family and friends - definitely the longest I've been away from my family and I'll miss so many things here, little Ollie and Noah will have changed so much when we get back! Strictly Come Dancing - although my Mum is recording them all for me. I know what I'll be doing this Christmas.... Simple food - I have a feeling I'm going to miss steamed veg and something simple like a JP and beans after a while! My car when I get home - having 'lent' it to my brother for 3 months I get the feeling I'm never going to see it again - he liked the speed. Oh, and the fact that it actually has a handle on the driver side door. Novel eh, whatever will they think of next?
Things I won't miss
Work - would you?, Cold weather - particularly all the wind and rain we seem to be getting!, M4 traffic - ok, so that's really related to work but I think it deserves a special mention!
Well that's enough bumbling on from me - next update should be from somewhere a little more exciting than Maidenhead!
Lots of love Katie x
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