I really wasn't looking forward to the Cattle Station as I knew they do something called a goat rodeo which i really didn't fancy - you also have to pay a local payment as its a compulsory stop.
Dave wanted to see something other then beach so decided to go rather then book the greyhound around it. We arrived at the Cattle Station and was served steak for lunch which was nice but as I knew it had not long before been running around right where I was I couldn't enjoy it. We then got ready for the shooting and goat rodeo - i told the guy i wouldn't be participating to which he said 'Why the f*** not - your s***ting on my life's work'! I laughed - a nervous laugh. He insisted (demanded) that I at least come and watch which worked out ok so that meant I could take some pics of Dave. We got there and Dave signed up to do some shooting - he got 4 out of the 5 which was a v. good effort and the guy told him 'He was a provider'!!! Then came time for the rodeo - by now I liked the goats and watched them be petted by others so really didn't like the idea of having a rope thrown around their neck then being dragged along - never the less it came time for Dave to have a go and the other two guys in his group refused to use the lasu so Dave had to (he didn't want to as he said he couldn't either but he still gave it go) he couldn't manage to lasu the goat so then you just had to grab it and pretend to brand it (with a cold iron so no injuries!) Then we headed back to the ranch for dinner (roast - think this news brought a tear to Dave's eye as he's been missing his Mum's roast more then anything and talks about it almost dailey!) and to learn to crack the whip - it wasn't just me that was s*** this time as neither of us could do it - Dave hurt his foot and I hurt my arm :-) After a little talk from the owner (who was sooo cute) we got ready for the bucking bull - Dave put his name down and i'm surprised he still went as ALL the boys before complained about their man bits getting injured - never the less Dave went, I had one camera filming and the other taking pics so couldn't actually watch it but i knew it had all gone wrong when he fell off and the women said 'you wasn't quite in sync with the bull there' so funny when i watched the video back - will put on fb when i get a mo!
I decided to go to bed and miss out on the naked drinking games (they were getting naked but unfortunately i didn't have my good bra on so couldn't participate! ;-) Dave stayed up for a bit tho but think the girls were getting a bit to wild for him so he was back not long after.
It was an early start the next morning, another reason why I went to bed early but this didn't put off one dutch girl who was sick all in her room (which is basically a converted stable so hot, sticky and full of bugs) all the other girls in her room were asleep but got woken up - this girl then started crying and apparently her cousin had to come and clean it all up. The rest of the room got moved to a better smelling one but the commotion woke most of the rooms around up - not me and Dave tho :-) Just lucky for us (or her) that she wasn't in our room - i'm better then Dave at being woken up but would have gone ape s*** at the sick!!!
We have now arrived in Airlie and are due on our Whitsunday's boat later today. Will update when back....see ya....keep enjoying the english weather!! ;-)
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