So after Waitomo and the angora rabbit shearing! (bizarre) we made our way to Taupo, the day before on the bus they had asked anyone who wanted to do a sky dive to write their names down so they would book them on - in our kiwi book it said how we have this walk at Haku falls before arriving in Taupo - I wasn't looking forward to this too much but when we pulled up and I saw the 'FREEFALL, sky diving' van I thought that maybe the walk wouldn't be so bad! Turned out anyone who had booked was going, then! We hopped off and was driven to the sky dive centre - this is the worst part for me, I like to just go and then have it done (no way to back out then!) we decided what package for pictures and video's we wanted and got a brief talk of the actual sky dive - then as it was cloudy they said we had to wait for a while to confirm if we could jump so they put family guy on for us - about 30 minutes and alot of sweating later we was told we could jump and the first group were told to suit up. Then it came time for us - we got suited up and all had our 'interviews' - mine was a surprise as didn't realise that's what he's doing so I sound and look like a complete tit! Then the first group landed and once the plane was down, we got our sexy hat and made our way , I was the first one which meant I was the last out (not where I wanted to be) but Dave was sat by the door and would therefore be the first out. It takes 20 min to get to 15'000 and anything above 14'000 you need oxygen - Liz turned around at one point with massive eyes and said 'we're only half way' - I looked out and we was so far from the ground and had alot more to go! They guys started taking pics and video's on way up and then started tightening the straps etc - Rich was sweating so much his hand was slipping of the hand rail! Then it came time to jump, I thought about whether or not I wanted to watch Dave go and eventually decided I would but by then he'd already gone and Liz was at the door - she then flew out and I couldn't even see her go, then Rich and then me - I was at the door before I even knew and my feet were hanging out the edge, don't remember being nervous or scared at this point and from the pics I was laughing so I think I had gone slightly mad!! Tho as soon as I was out and on way down - fast, the smiling soon stopped as I couldn't breath, once id caught my breath I had to focus on trying to keep my mouth under control - it was wide open and I knew it wouldn't look so great on camera. I had the shot with 'Hello Mum' and before I knew it the guy had pulled the cord and we was no longer in freefall - it was 60 seconds but didn't feel like it at all. Then we had another 'interview' in the air and then went for a look around over Lake Taupo (this lake is so big it can fit singapore into it!!) Then came time for landing - I was the last to land but heard Rich scream on the way down ha - we all made it down ok and got together for a group scream on camera. Turns out we was lucky as the rest of the jumps got called of that day due to weather - id hate to get all the way there then have it called off! We thought we'd all be ready for a big night out but we was all knackered so after uploading the extremely amusing pics onto facebook we headed out to meet some of Rich and Liz's mates from Oz who were doing a quiz. They had a competition for the worst chat up line and I used one of Ted Rabbits from the Walnut tree that he's used on Jessy 'I'd walk on hot coals to drink your piss'!! and won - he's such a dirty git!!!! haha
The next day we had a nice lay in (apart from Rich's farting!!) and took a look around Taupo - that night the boys cooked us fajitas and after a night sorting things out, e.g mine and Li'z trip to East as - pictures and blogs etc we headed for bed.
The following day we'd all booked to go.......prawn fishing! At first the boys were going to go while we was on the East As tour but we ended up going as a group and it turned out to be a really good day - we wasn't sure what to expect and I did actually think it was a little more leaned towards kids (especially when we got picked up and there was 2 in car seats on the bus!!) We arrived and was the first there - before they'd even opened, didn't have to wait long tho and we got our rods and bait etc and sent off to the ponds. The bait was cows heart and at first I couldn't touch it, me and Rich hooked a prawn within minutes then I got another 3, Dave by now (being the fisherman) was not happy and getting slightly grumpy - especially when Rich and Liz had moved and Liz caught one then Rich caught a really big one so we had to move too! Dave ended up catching 4 too (thank god as might not have ever heard the end of it!) Rich too got 4 and Liz 3 - some people had not wanted theirs so we ended up with 19 in total and took them over the restaurant too be cooked, we ordered garlic bread and chips and ordered the prawns to be cooked in garlic butter - we ate over looking Hauki river (where we was meant to go for that walk before the sky dive, so not like we didn't see it! ;-) - so all in all the prawn fishing turned out to be a good idea as it worked out cheap and all had a good day. Once we got back the boys went off down the lake and called us down later on to watch and take pictures of them! (as we don't already have enough of them!) jumping in!
*I hadn't mentioned before, me and Liz have booked onto the East As tour which takes us to Tatapori, Rangitukia and Te Kaha - the boys have decided to stay in Taupo and do some fishing etc, plus a strong man competition is on so their staying here for that. We'll be gone a total of 3 nights so back by the 8th to head to our next stop River Valley altogether on the 9th.
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