Ok so as with any tour the final (or in this case almost the final) stop is always the best plus Charby was there too! Straight from Wanaka we stopped at puzzle world which is a little bizarre, its has illusions and tricks - e.g. a room full with faces which all have eyes that follow you the whole way around the room, a Marylyn Munroe hologram, they also had some steps which look like your not standing up straight and a room which gives the illusion that one of you is alot taller then not only the other but then what you actually are? As I said very bizarre?
After there we made our way to the adrenaline capital of New Zealand, Queenstown! we stopped at the Kawarau Bridge bungee jump which is the first bungee in the world, we went through a tour and they talked us through the ropes etc and emphasised how there has been no fatal injuries (didn't say nothing about no injuries in general!!) the kiwi bus normally lets people jump then which is what I would have preferred as I hate the build up but as its so busy kiwi had put two buses on and therefore we couldn't wait which meant we had to book a date and pay then to ensure we got the discount! Not good, so Dave and Liz booked the thrilligoy and I booked the Nevis Arc (biggest swing in the world) and the Kawarau bridge but didn't want to know the date so I paid then walked away while Rich and Liz did all the booking etc - at this point Rich was adamant he wasn't doing anything and was now saying he had 'lost' his Canyon Swing voucher (which he's won from the poo pub!) After this we made our way into Queenstown town and after a group photo of the kiwi bus we made our way to our hostel, we had been recommended to stay at Nomads rather then base - we'd asked for a a dorm for just us four which did work out a bit more but we ended up with a dorm for just us four, inc an ensuite (don't know what luxury it is to not have to walk miles to go to the toilet at night!) and a balcony with a great view, as this is the newest Nomads it also has a sauna and a fab movie room! Being our first night we got ready and met the bus down at Altitude bar - we had a few there and began to throw and few shapes then made our way to World Bar to try the famous teapot cocktails - Dave was already feeling it by now and the music wasn't great so after the teapot cocktail our first Fergburger was calling so we made our way over to the only place in the world you can purchase a Fergburger - me, Dave and Liz got a standard cheese but rich got bambi meat :-( All very yummy!
The next day, after one of the most comfortable beds we've all found in travelling we didn't get up until about nearly 11, as we was hungover we all just mooched about and took a look at what Queenstown had to offer, that night we met up with Charby and her lover Marcus - went to a pub and chatted as had alot of catching up to do. It was then that I had to ask about the next day which turned out to be the day of the bungee's and swings!!! We was to be up early and ready to go! Rich did say he would maybe do the little bungee too.
Unfortunately Rich decided against throwing himself off a bridge and stayed in bed the next morning but the rest of us made our way to the AJ Hackett shop and got weighed and booked in, after that we got on the bus and made our way to our first jump of the day which was the Kawarau Bridge bungee, it was minutes before we was at the top of the bridge - it was freezing that day and though I didn't think anything could make jumping off a bridge any more unappealing then it already was, the bad weather did :-( After another few minutes we was being strapped up and asked our weight and then we was on the edge - the guy started the countdown and I thought 'not so sure about this' and said to Dave 'I don't think I can do this' as soon as I said that he finished the countdown and I had decided to jump, with my now white knuckles holding tightly onto Dave I jumped whether he was ready or not (the pictures show he still had his feet on the platform and I'd turned completely round to face him!) Then we began to fall, Dave's weight was on top which I remember thinking (quickly) would make us fall faster but as soon as I thought that we must have hit our first bounce and was over and as soon as it started we was then bouncing, with this bungee you land in a boat so we grabbed the pole and was let down onto the boat and after the steep run back up the hill to the viewing platform it was Liz's turn. Think she was really brave doing it on her own as that bungee didn't look that bad at all but as soon as your on that platform and know your due to jump its so much different, she looked at us and made a face (which you can see on the video bless her!) then jumped - this bungee was a test for her and Dave as they had the Nevis booked for later that day, Dave was a bit worried as he said its different when you get out there but Liz was really worried as she said she didn't like it! ooops - but no turning back as then we was all back on the coach headed for the Nevis, we arrived and saw the swing and bungee - normally your due to do the bungee and then the swing but we asked if they could do the swing first and then the bungee which was ok so off we went, along the rope bridge swinging over the canyon - we got to the platform and I was feeling pretty confident (maybe because I knew I wasn't doing the Nevis bungee) and didn't think it was as high as what I expected (tho it is higher then the Bungee) - we nearly went first then another guy went and as they let him go he went backwards and upside down - suddenly I wasn't feeling so confident!! Liz wasn't either and had already asked an old guy who had just done the bungee and the swing workers if they would do it with her but they all couldn't but said she would be fine on her own! Then it was time for me and Dave to be strapped up, once strapped in we had to sit so we could be swung out but Dave was so close and nudging me it freaked me out a little so I didn't want to take my feet off the floor - the guy asked me a few times but I didn't so he kicked them out beneath me! (cheek!) - I had told Liz if I liked it I would do it with her but hovering over the canyon and about to be dropped I wasn't so sure if I would. I think they did a countdown but I was far from paying attention at this point and then they dropped us - wasn't sure if I liked if for a few seconds during the freefall but then it goes into the swing and we both thought it was fab, was over to quickly and we was then hanging alot closer to the lake at the bottom then I thought we would be - we then started getting pulled back up and once back on the platform it was Liz's go. We both told her it was fun and that she would love it but she was still nervous as the guy going upside down backwards didn't ease things for her - plus doing it on your own is always worse so she wanted me to do it with her - I said she would love it and would be fine on her own, at one point some random girl said she would do it with her but that would mean she would have a random in her pics so she asked and I said yes this time that I would do it with her. So once again I was being strapped in and hanging over the edge! This time I remember then asking about a countdown but decided on a surprise so we was dropped and like me after a few seconds into the freefall Liz started to like it - we was pulled back up and I could breath a sigh of relief as all my death defying stunts for the day were over but....not for Dave and Liz - we was back onto the rope bridge and over to be strapped up for the Nevis, I wasn't jumping but had to be strapped up as you have to go on a little cable car to get over to the platform. Liz was still a little nervous but Dave said he wasn't feeling ok as the swing was much fun it had made him feel better, plus the swing was higher - Dave was due to jump seconds so he was getting strapped in, still looking happy, then he was on the pizza box ready to jump - still looking ok - then it came time for him to jump so he did a superman pose and off he went - much braver then I! Liz was still a little nervous and petrified about going last but unfortunately due to weight she was, as she was being tightened up she started asking questions and then the buy who went before her couldn't pull his cord so came up upside down which is something Liz had said from the moment of booking she didn't want! They sorted him out and then it came for Liz to jump, she said after she asked the guy to push her but apparently the guy said he could but she was capable of doing it herself. It was then time for Liz to be on the pizza box, she hesitated when she waved to the camera but then off she went - braver lady then me, unfortunately she couldn't pull the cord and was pulled up upside down so by the time she was up she wasn't happy but no one can take away the fact that she did it so, well done Dave and Liz. After all of this we had a well earned subway and made our way back to the hostel to find Rich who had been fishing. We tried going out that night but being a sunday it wasn't very busy plus we was all knackered from the bungee's and swings so Rich and Dave got their seconds fergburger and we made our way back to the hostel.
The following day wasn't as an early start but as it was raining so we mooched about for a bit then went up on the gondola (tho Rich refused to go with Dave as he has a fear of heights and Dave has a habit of rocking the gondola so we went two by two) to get a view of Queenstown, it was freezing this day but the boys were going lugeing so after we froze our boobies off to get some pics of the boys me and Liz went into get ourselves a hot chocolate. Once the boys finished we made our way back (still two by two!) and went to get some English fish and chips but still not the same as our fish and chip shop at the bottom of Gabriel's hill :-( After the english fish and chips we fed the ducks some bread but some irritating little kid kept scaring them off so we made our way back to the hostel. That night we met up with Charby and Marcus for a few drinks and me, Char and Marcus went to the cinema (char's idea!!) and left Dave, Rich and Liz in the pub - they were still there when we got out so we decided to order some grub, well we did have vouchers!! ;-) We called it a night after that.
The following day was my Niamphy's 2nd b-day so happy birthday!! We mooched about in the morning but I booked myself onto the 'Lord of the Rings' horse riding tour. They picked me up just after lunch and made our way to the stables, we stopped on route to see a scene from the films, think it was where they set Gondor? and also one of Peter Jackson's houses (he must of just had to roll out of bed when he was filming them!) Once we arrived they got us suited up, another sexy outfit - hat, boots! and then back on the bus to choose our horse, on way the road we used was shown in Wolverine, the part where Hugh (wolverine) finds his girlfriend 'dead' after Agent Zero has killed her (well supposedly) I do love the film tit bits! We was waiting around and then the guide asked if anyone was particularly nervous or wanted a slow horse, know one said anything and I wasn't feeling particularly cocky so when he asked again I said yes - he saddled me up and once of the rest of the group were ready off we went. Well when they said my horse was slow they weren't kidding, I was so far back I couldn't hear everything they was saying e.g. film locations and by the time I got to the group my horse just wanted to eat but it was time to go again, no problems though - it just meant they had to repeat everything for me ;-) As we continued my horse was just as slow so I asked if I was doing anything wrong but they said he's always like that. They showed us Fangorn forest in Lord of the Rings where Pippin and Merry are on the tree and then they come out of the forest to see the destruction Sauron has caused. After that we went into the forest a bit more and got to the scene (same film) where Aragorn is fighting with an orc and the orc's shield is thrown and pins his neck to a tree (apparently you can still see the grove in the bark), on we went, the view really was impressive as they had snow on the mountains in the distance - they do call the area paradise. Then they take you up to a lookout which means going uphill with the horse - the tell you to lean forward etc so I did but my horse decided to get a flea up its arse and run - nearly knocking me off! But I made it, this is where they take photo's of you on the horse as you get a good view of the background which again is part of Lord of the Rings, maybe looking of Mortdor? Though while we was waiting one of the horses decided to try and kick another so I decided I would steer well clear of that one! Made my way down the hill ok too, then it was on the way back and they showed us a hill where Boromir is killed with the arrows again in Lord of the Rings and you see all the orcs running down the hill. Apparently Peter Jackson (the director) wanted a real look of terror on Sean Beans face when he was being shot at so requested the orc actor to shoot a real arrow at him but the this actor refused to shoot a real actor at a living target so Peter Jackson being the eccentric he was took up archery himself and was due to shoot at Sean Bean himself! However on the day of filming Sean came onto set with his lawyer, clearly not happy with this and advised Peter that he couldn't as it was against the law to do so - therefore the look of fear on Sean Beans face in that scene is in fact all acting. After there we continued back to the stable and went past the part in Wolverine where Agent Zero shoots the old couple from a hill, also the field where Hugh runs across naked after escaping from the lab into their barn (which took 3 months to build and 3 minutes to blow up!). Opposite the stable is the entrance to the old couples house where they stop the car and watch hugh doing the naked run. Then came time to get off the horse, which I managed to do without falling over, once everyone was ready we got back on the bus but I was so busy talking I stood in the massive pile of crap that we all managed to avoid on the way out! doh! Once back at the stable, dodgy helmet and stinky boots off I was on my way back to Queenstown. I was due to meet charlotte again but me and Liz has booked ourselves on to do pole dancing so after another subway mmmmm we made our way to be picked up - we got to the studio and the host was a little butch?! She was also wearing bright red sequin hot pants and tank top - really hoping at this point, especially after my subway they weren't expecting me to wear those!! Luckily not, so after serving up a plastic glass of champagne that I didn't drink we was ready to practice our moves, was doing ok until we had to do all the hair flicking and floor humping - didn't mind the dancing round the pole - until...we had to do the swing, for the life of me I couldn't get my legs off the floor! So as if it wasn't all embarrassing enough they got us all to put on cowboy hats and boas and have a dance off!! Liz and another girl won and had to dance again in front of the rest of the group (so glad it wasn't me as I would have fallen on my face) Then the hostesses showed us a dance of their own and they really was good - very graceful, they must be really strong as they were getting themselves right to the top of the pole and holding all their weight with just their arms and not using the poles to balance them! After that they showed us a few more moves and after some more embarrassing pictures later we was on our way back to the hostel - my legs had already began to hurt!!
The next morning we was due to lave Queenstown so didn't managed to get to see Charlotte again :-( and also upset as really loved Queenstown, apart from Franz Joseph it was the prettiest and best town we'd been in NZ! but on we must go, slowly tho as my legs were in a lot of pain from the activities the day before! We then made our way to Christchurch.
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