This is my last day in manhattan, and second last full day in New York. I have actually no agenda today, everything I wanted to do I have done. So I thought I would walk some touristy streets for the first time - the shopping streets north of grand central station, to 5th ave to check out the jewellery display from the movie the Great Gatsby, designed by Catherine Martin with tiffanies. The jewellery is really beautiful and they actually used gems from this era.
I then caught a taxi to momofuku milk bar for one of their famous pork buns. David Chang is a Michelin starred chef but this is the cheapest $8 lunch of this standard - and the bun was really good, heaps of simmered pulled pork with a shallot and cucumber topping. The desserts here are famous and include crack pie, named for the amount of sugar it contains, but I'm too hot to do sweets justice.
Next stop is zabars, a famous old style supermarket that sells absolutely everything you could think of the old fashioned way - you ask the sales assistant they get it for you. The isles are so cramped you have to walk carefully to make sure you don't knock the towering stacks over. They are famous for their traditional Jewish bakery - I got a onion and potato knish, their knishes are considered the best in New York. I will find out tomorrow when I have it for breakfast.
The heat gets the better of me, we are in the mid 30's today, the beginning of the week was so cold it was single digit figures and had record snowfalls a couple of hours away - now it's a heat wave. The weather is crazy. So I'm going home to chilled champagne ( in honour of Kelly Carlton and my last few days in New York and yes it's French), and I will finish packing and cleaning with the air conditioner on full blast.
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