Hi everyone! Hope you´re all good! Is that Norwegian summer gone yet? We´re getting 3 degrees at night this weekend...
I got my assignment back yesterday! Which was not the disappointment I anticipated. I´m quite happy with it-and it was great for exploring commmunication issues in mental health (which was the focus for my assignment). I´ve got another one due in a week from today-which I´ll start tomorrow. That´s the plan anyway-because we´ve just been treating ourselves to a fabulous Friday! Went for a massage to loosen that f&%#"d up neck after spending to much time writing/surfing (the net), then we went for an early dinner at;
OMG. Fantastic food! Probably the best Moroccan fish cakes I´ve ever had! (Not that I´ve had that many Moroccan flavoured fish cakes, but hey). With a beer-syrup and lime aioli. Sounds rather strange but it was extremely tasty! We decided we had to try it out because apparently it was voted South Australias best back in 2005. I´m a big fan of good food, cooking and I love going out for a meal. And I love a place like this that´s just professional in everything they do. Digged it! Our meals back in the unit is just not gonna be the same after this. Caroline had Kangaroo which was so good she didn´t want to share. I´ve had it before, anyway. That was bought in Sweden, though. But it was Kangaroo. I wasn´t gonna share my Moroccan fish cakes. Next time I´ll try Skippy myself.
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