We arrived in Christchurch about 1pm on the 8th Jan, We were staying at Bas which was really nice, it was in a great location right in the middle of the City in Cathedral Square. When we arrived we just went for a wander around the City and had some lunch in a huge sports bar.
That evening we just went down to the hostel bar, there are two guys called the 'happy hour' hosts they basically go round trying to get everyone to come down to the bar then they do a juggling show. The show was hilarious, they were much better at comedy than they were at juggling. Had a really good evening.
The following day we got on the free bus round the City and did a bit of shopping. It is really cold here (wel colder than we are used to) and it has rained since we arrived. That evening we went down to the bar again the hosts were there and aparently they do the same show every night but because there were so many people there that had seen it they tried to change it as they went along which made it hilarious as they kept messing up
After the show they had an international paper, rock, scissors tournament, I didn't want to play as I didnt think I was very good but Kat persuaded me. There were about 12 people that played and I ended up winning!!! I won a trip round the South Island with stray however I have already booked with Kiwi Experience, I asked if I could leave the name blank then I could have sold it but you couldnt do that so instead I had some free drinks!!
The following day we got the tram round the City which stops at all the main sites, we went round theBotanicle gardens which were nice but we got a bit bored as we have been to millions of gardens since being away. We then saw a spaceship in the gardnes so decided to make video's of alien landings (dont ask must have been the boredom)
Christchurch is really pretty but it is very small and not a lot to do. Aparently it was modelled on Oxford.
Went to the bar again for 1 on our last night in Christchurch and Kat entered the killer pool competition, however it wasnt a normal pool comp. The 1st go you had 4 seconds to take your shot, then you had 6 secs but had to run to the stage 1st then you had to spin roun 5 times holing the cue and looking up at it before you took your shot!! Kat did really well, I think she came about 3rd. Leaving for Westport tommorrow.
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