I have finally caught up onall your blogs and photos. Loving the photos of you getting through the eye of a needle and the one of the freaky old koala and of course the neighbours ones but Lynne looks a little scary. Sounsd and looks like you are having the most fantasitic time.
Not much to report here I am just working and living for the weekends but only 43 days until my America holiday can't wait.
Will check in again before too longlots of love miss you Jo xx
Hi Auntie Hannah,
I'm having a sleepover at Dawnie's, hope it's ok if I sleep in your bed, whoops I'm already in it......!! I have a swimming gala on Saturday, I'm very excited, Grandma & Mummy are coming watch.
Love you lots
Lillie:) xxxxx
hi Hannah.. it is Sunday again and time for weekly bulletin; it has been quite a busy week. on Thursday Dad and I bought a solid brass bedhead and bottom, and since then 'Frank Spencer' has been sawing drilling etc to make our bed fit into this. It has been v.hard work but looks amazing. Also fitted walllights Dad just has to finish painting.... hawaiian sunset. Just need a few more cushions to finish the job. That was the highlight of my week. Actually have been quite busy with Lillie as it was halfterm. It was great to speak to you last week and look forward to hearing again soon. The computer keeps getting cross and asking if I want to continue as I am so slow. Bye 4 now love U lots Mum xx5
Kate Tipton
Hi han, lovely to hear from you again, and as always have had to pick myself up from the floor with laughing - tripping down a mountain and the unfortunate cheating husband are my current favourites! Its also good to get some education, so I for one say keep them archeological nit-bits coming!
Im sure you've heard the weather here is disgraceful, snow over easter weekend and now non-stop rain! We've been spending a few (wet) weekends now trying to find a decent venue for the wedding, thinking new years eve 2009/10 - dependent on availablity - so keep that free!
Lots of love and looking forward to the next instalment
Karen Marmara
Yo Hans - your blog posts are brill and sounds like you are having a fab time. I've got a job in Leeds and some time off for good behaviour so i was thinking about travelling a bit and was wondering where you are going to be in May? Will you still be in OZ? Will blog again soon Karen xx
Becky Muldoon
OK, I'm determined to send a msg without any spelling mistakes this time... Please please tell us you have pics of you with celebs, I chuckled my heart out when I read your latest blog! I just keep thinking about the time we spotted Lionel Blair in House of Fraser - we didn't see you for dust! Sounds like everything is amazing over there - v.jealous - particularly as the weather over here is pants! Hope you're loving Kerry's celeb gossip updates, I know we are! Take care, love Bx
Becky Muldoon
Oh my life I keep doing that... not BOG, BLOG!!! Bxxx
Becky Muldoon
Hey lovely! Just read your bog and all sounds amazing! Hopefully we'll have some good pics to email back to you after the weekend. Not too much to tell this week so I'll send you something much better next week. Love Bxx
Hiya matie,
Hope your ok, just thought I'd write a litle note incase you were updating your blog know. How was your trip? Where are you now?
Hi Miss B,
Have just heard that Patrick Swaze has cancer of the pancreas!!! The legend of dirty dancing must live on.... hopefully he will be ok.
Hope all is well with you.
K x
Hi Hannah,
Lovely to hear your voice on the phone last week and to hear your travel news. I had my birthday massage on friday it was very relaxing. Just in the middle of cooking sunday roast , Lamb, roast potatoes and all the trimmings, sorry....... Am going on my fish cookery course on tuesday, will let you know how it goes, I will try to find you a recipe which incorporates 2 minute noodles :).
Speak soon
Mum xxxxxxx
Hi Hannah,
I swam 800 metres yesterday. I was very tired afterwards, I hope you are having a marvellous time in Austrailia.