Hope your ok just had a look at the family pics again the ones you picked out where the ones we said b4 just need to decide on which one of the family photos we prefer am gonna try to get things sorted over weekend . are you looking forward to your trip, it sounds great from description. Am soooo wishing i was over there with you it's sooooo cold here what little tan i had has completly vanished and I've got a stinking cold . Anyway best go am off work today am off out to Loughborough with Mum and Debs.
Speak soon
Muchos love
Me xxxxx
Becky Muldoon
Sorry, that should have been 'lives' not loves!! Ha!! Bx
Becky Muldoon
Hey Han - and Dawn if you get this message in time! Absolutely loving your photographs. The pineapple and pig... genious! I can't believe how close you have been to all the animals, it's amazing. You both look like you're having the time of your loves, so keep up the good work! Looking forward to speaking to you soon!
Love Bxx
Hi Han and Dawn, it looks like your having a fantastic time, your pictures are making everyone in the office very jealous! I love the pineapple costume - what a brainwave! Although I now know I could never do what you're doing - that spider was far, far too scary.
Very little to report, we had some snow at the weekend so the eager Manc skinheads went sledging down the street, but that's about it. Will be thinking of you this weekend, the girls are coming up to Manchester to celebrate my ageing one more year so we'll have a toast to you.
Lots of love xx
Hi Han,
Don't know if you have been reading the paper but Heath Ledger and Jeremy Beadle have both died... very sad Heath was only 28!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Other than that nothing exciting has happened, although last night I did a Kerry and went one for drink and ended up very drunk and home at midnight!!! All a blur.. typical me eh! Missing my drinking buddie!
Take care, MWAA XXXXXX
Hiu girls, I don't know about you being scared of the owl.. did he owl know how dangerous you two were?? As for the wine tasting.... is there any wine left??? I got the job on lingerie and start in two weeks! The pictures and what you've been upto look fantastic! I thought the one of you sitting on the rock dressed up as a baboon was very life like!!!! Lillie giggling here! Had my bracelt on the other night and was thinking of you! missing you loads.. and will get in touch soon! XXXX
Hello Hannah and Dawn, I got into a swimming club which is very good! I am looking forward to singing in the Joseph play next week. Miss you lots!
Love Lillie
Mum & Dad
Hi Hannah and Dawn Hope you are still having a fab time. Bumped into Jean in supermarket this morning and she had news. Jenny has had her baby...a little girl Sophie Catherine, a sister for Eddie. Dad played golf this morning in artic conditions. Debbie and Lillie going over to Kerry's this afternoon for a visit. love to you both, missing you
Your message has made me more happy for you that you are out of this country than ever as today is probably the worst day weather wise this year. It's like the windyist, rainyist gale of a storm day i ever did see. I saw at least 4 fatal brolly accidents on the way into work which is where i am now. Sat at my desk at lovely Talbot House. So Han it sounds like you are enjoying yourself and making the most of it (apart from the bungee you whimp!) so carry on and keep us updated. Sarah Longstaff says hi and good luck on your trip as whilst moaning about the weather i mentioned your email and the exciting things you were doing. Looking forward to seeing the pics! x
Kerry Delaney
Miss B,
How many time have I told you all birds INCLUDING OWLS are evil.... well done for running off. very proud of you!! Ha!
Sounds like your having a great time. Hopefully speak to you soon.
Kez xxxxx
Tony Benson
Hi girls great to hear from you both. So pleased you are having such a wonderful time. The photos are great and all this wildlife, before you get to the game reserve. Look forward to your next blog. Miss you both, all our love, Mum and Dadxxxxx
Kerry Delaney
Hey honey!!
Wine tasting sounds like fun and white wine too eh... very impressed!! How's the tan coming along? Missing you both already.. love to dawnie!