Greetings friends and family - hope you are well!!
Well, I am stiiiilll in Adelaide - not the most exciting place on earth i can tell you. Im not really understanding why all those people who leave the wonders of Erinsborough on Neighbours, do so to move to Adelaide.... tis pretty dull!
Anyhoo... spent a couple of days last week at seaside resort of Glenelg which is quite nice. Not much to do there, but if the suns out the hostels only a couple of mins from the beach so is most convenient!! Last week (up until Wed this week) saw a record breaking temperature for this time of the year with 9 consecutive days hitting a high of 35 degrees or over - was prettty warm! Yeah - so excited was i to get my pasty white tummy in the sun that i cremated it, along with underneath my arm - v. painful!! which i managed to do whilst reading my book. So that stopped all beach side activities for the next few days!
Met a dutch girl called Krista who was staying in my dorm, she was going to a supposed celebrity event and asked me if i wanted to go with her, it was a farewell party for the australian tv show "McLeods Daughters" which is filmed in the adelaide suburbs. Well personally - ive never heard of it, but i had nothing better to do so i went with her. Well now i know why she wanted me to go... she wanted someone to be her personal photographer for the evening. She was rather scary shouting at me to start taking photos, and making me do them again if she didnt like them... was most stressful - especially when people started pushing to get at the stars of the show! And you know my phobia of celebrities.... (well was nothing a vodka pineapple couldn't cure!!) Anyway - turned out to be a rather amusing evening, Krista was screaming hysterically at the cast, props from the show and everything, I had to take a couple of sidesteps at some points!! Was quite chuffed though as got to chat to Abi Tucker and got her autograph - she's in one of my favourite tv shows, The Secret Life of Us, so that was pretty cool.
Day after I moved to the city for a couple of days to get a change of scenery. Bloody hostel was miles away from tram stop and in the mid 30 degree heat - actually thought i was going to die with my back pack on!! After walking like a wierdo for the final stretch of my journey i made it to my new abode... bit of a let down, as the place was over run with Germans... apologies any german people reading this ... nothing personal! Had moved with the intention of finding somewhere a bit more lively and meeting some people to go out with that weekend, but there wasnt many people around - adelaide seems pretty quiet to be honest. Did go out for a couple of drinks with a couple of german girls though who were really nice despite their german'ness!There was a festival going on in Adelaide too, the adelaide fringe festival of arts - and it was the last night. We went down to what they called " The Garden of unearthly delights" . Was pretty cool fair type of event, but done in an oldy worldy fashion. They had circus acts which were fab, and loads of beer tents which was especially nice... enjoyed a couple of coldies on the grassbanks whilst watching some crazy woman spin 25 hula hoops around her tummy.
Got a bit snap happy at some of the acts and sideshows they had on and have made notes on them for events... see you never do fully switch off! Went to a burlesque show after which was very good! Ended up going home about 2am in the end, v.glad to have seen some of the festival. Passed some of the northern lights show on the way home, which was were they simulated colour explosions of light onto some of the cities finest architecutre - was pretty spectacular. V.diificult to capture it in a photograph unfortunately.
Didnt really do much else whilst i was in the city to be honest, walked around the botanical gardens, but pretty much just chilled out. On the Monday night, our hostel took the bus out to see Adelaide at night and we viewed the city lights from the adelaide hills which was pretty impressive. The city looked all twinkley and there were so many coloured lights.
Headed back to Glenelg on Tuesday as Sally was arriving Wednesday for a couple of days. We've not done much - as the weathers taken a nose dive. Yesterday was freeeeezing!! I had jeans and a jumper and scarf on - couldnt believe the change in just a couple of days! Met up with one of Sallys friends yesterday and went out for a pizza and played some pool - I officially suck at pool... is most embarrassing! Need to improve this over the next few months! Sally's mate worked at the Hilton in Adelaide and seemed to think he could get us a double room for $50, $25 each which is what we pay for a dorm in hostel anyway. We were suuuper excited at the prospect of comfy bed, bath and a bit of luxury... but it hasnt happened - am gutted! Instead have to hack our bloody backpacks into town again tommorrow to go to a hostel in the city as the hostel in Glenelg is full.
Watched Beach volleyball championships today, they have the stand all set up on the beach and its free over the weekend until the global championships start on Monday. Was really good fun to watch, plus not too hard on the eyes either! ;)
Booked my trip to Melbourne, doing the great ocean road on Monday and arrive into Melbourne on Wednesday night. Booked a more adventurous trip than some of the others with caving and hiking, and night drives to spot!! Looking forward to getting to Melbourne! Have booked a really cool looking hostel called Cooee in St Kilda - booked it for a week so i can settle in without having to worry about wether or not i have a bed for a night. Have got in touch with mate Joey who lives in Melb ( dont know if you remember him girls... australian mate of Dave's) - anyway - hopefully going to meet up with him and his fiance, ... yep he's getting married!
Sally's not sure when she's coming to Melbourne. couldnt wait for her, so hopefully we'll meet up again at some point. Another friend from the Perth up to Broome tour is meeting us on Sunday in adelaide and then shes heading to Melbourne on Tuesday so ill see her there too... so at least ill know some people there.
Anyway - am starting to waffle a bit now! Best go. Will update you all next week when i arrive in Melbourne.
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