On Thanksgiving Day
It's another red-letter day
a holiday in the U.S.
a national, religious holiday
known also as a 'Turkey Day'
a very important day.
A chance to be reconnected,
a moment of being together,
a salutary occasion for gratitude,
full with family folderol.
There are historic reasons
this American celebration
has its origin centuries ago;
as the Pilgrims did it and -
invited neighboring Indian tribes.
To hold it with a feast -
A celebration for God's blessing.
giving thanks for a common purpose,
freedom, justice, and worship in God.
Through Sarah Josepha Hale68
this event has become a tradition
a realization that came to fulfillment
marked with significance, thus far.
With church services elsewhere
wth family reunions all over
with customary turkey dinner
oh, a reminder of the historic past:
at the Pilgrims'69 big celebration.
In many homes and families
Table fellowships spice up the day
with turkey, mashed potatoes,
cranberry sauce, maize, pumpkin pie
and other vegetables and desserts.
a complete picture of this great tradition.
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