In Atlanta airport
While taking a stop-over
my timepiece ticks . . .
meant to stand up already
to enable my entry to the aircraft.
It seems passengers abound
with their carry-on bags
Men and women alike
in a hurry to get inside.
Other gates seem busy too
calling passengers to board.
Some have problems to resolve
to get a seat and be part of the group.
The weather holds no promise at all
that those aircrafts can fly soon.
Rains and thunderstorms
threaten all kinds of transportation.
One, two, three . . . counting the time of waiting
no certainty as yet.
While everyone shows restlessness,
conversation via mobile phone takes place.
Some seem quiet and unperturbed
Some read, eat and chat with others.
It's a real experience, another episode
that describes procrastination
of any flight scheduled to take off.
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