A lot of tourists
with all their cameras
with all their families
enjoy sightseeing.
Paris, the city in the world
renowned and opulent
attractive to all people
a magnet to lovers of culture.
Every day salutation
Bon jour, or Bon soir
merci and a bientôt
The richness of their culture.
Beautiful buildings
awesome Romainville
landmarks of their pride
proofs of the past.
Restaurants in many places
crowded with people who talk
over a cup of coffee, for example
conveys meaning and truth.
A busy lifestyle indeed
hve to hurry each day for Métro
at noon or late in the afternoon
trains are swamped with a lot of people.
Like in any other countries
Some are friendly and kind
others are rude and snooty
the reality of human personality.
Arc de Triomphe or Eiffel Tower
major landmarks most frequented
like the Statue of Liberty
they've meaning and history.
Champs Elysees, a delight for all
the favorite of every country
a rendezvous for all seasons
a place like Times Square.
Notre Dame and Louvre Palaces
great treasures to behold
replete with beauty and history
great landmarks in this city.
Oh, Paris, you're so lucky
with all your richness and beauty
peoples flock to see you
with wonder and awe.
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