When planning a trip as exciting as this, it's easy to only think of the fun exciting parts, easily letting them gloss over the inevitable upsets and stresses. Today has been one of those days.
It was a bright and early rise for an early breakfast before we headed off to the floating markets. They were quite a sight, however I did expect then to be more traditional. It seems so far that an awful lot of Thailand had been commercialised for tourists, in fact some parts have become almost tacky. Never the less we had fun exploring the maze of boats and stopped for a cool drink.... Very very hot here!
After a spot of lunch we packed back into the bus and headed to Kwai Bridge. This was a mixture of amazement and disappointment. The bridge itself is amazing and if you know the story behind it, it's even more moving. However this trip we booked did not fulfill it's promises, skipping the cemetery and museum and pretty much ditched us in the centre of town to find the bridge ourselves and providing no information... Other than shoving a yellow piece of paper in our faces with our departure time on.
We mooched around the surrounding area before deciding the wasn't a lot else to see and getting a cold drink. We quickly moved from our perfect sitting spot after a thai man decided to come throw up in a clear plastic bag infront of us. He seemed quite pleased with himself to be honest!
Strange man number two of the day appeared as we were the first to wait for out collection. He came over and attempted to signal a camera... Assuming he wanted me to take a picture if himself and his friends I agreed. Next think I new he was say next to us, pressing up a little too close! On realising he meant he wanted a picture with us...we quickly brushed him off. No Thankyou! The sneaky (well not so sneaky) b*****d however on his way past a few minutes later made a pitiful attempt at concealing his photo taking of us with his phone!!! We turned just in time as the guys phone made a loud camera click noise. As for why he wanted this photo so badly we have no idea!
We returned to the hostel rather sweaty but decided to sort our next moves out before anything else. Stressful or what?! Trying to decide where to go next and how is the most time and cost efficient is ridiculous! We have our hearts set on koh tao after chiang mai however we still have not decided how to get there! After a long conversation today we have decided to leave thailand slightly early and to extend our time in australia and New Zealand by a few days, for various reasons.
As I mentioned earlier...when planning, you think it's going to be fun and games 24/7... However that is not always the case. I am also at a point where I am feeling super homesick!! I'm hoping this is a natural stage that will pass and become that much easier as times goes on.
Due to some dodgy tummies, we are staying in tonight and resting up for our early start tomorrow for our day at Attaya... Hopefully will prove a more successful tour than today's!
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