My tolerance for long flights is fading already! Our flight today consisted of loud drunks, crying babies and stroppy air hostesses. That aside, we arrived in Bangkok with relative ease and took a taxi to out hostel. The taxi came to a total of £6! It's costs me double that to get from town to home in guernsey and this was easily twice the distance.
After settling into our room we headed out I search of Khoa San road and food... What we found was bit Khoa San road but had fantastic food! Three dishes, a coke and Chang beer can to £5! Crazy cheap!
After a wonder we headed back to the hostel... Through lack of drinking, tierdness or alcoholic content, I realised the beer had gone straight to my head! Odd. Any who back at the hostel we had a quick look at activities available,I got speaking to a fellow traveller who had basically done our trip in reverse so got some good tips from her. Think this is going to be the best way to find things to do... People's suggestions :)
It's been a stressful day with all the travelling and I will admit it has left me feeling quite emotional and home sick... A few tears were shed but I quickly maned up and got on with it. I'm sure after a good nights sleep all will be fine!
Night all xxxx
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