Can't believe how quickly a year has passed. By the time you read this you will be back in the US reunited with friends and family.
You have had experiences that will live with you both for the rest of your lives and what you have seen and done will enrich you and give you such an understanding of how other people live, let alone exist.
WE can't wait to welcome you back to Ireland. It won't be long.
What a year you have both just had! You've experienced a world through very wide opened eyes and you are so lucky to have been able to share the experience with each other. I came across a quote recently which is so relevant to you :
"Travelling is not just seeing the new - it is also leaving behind. Not just opening doors; also closing them behind you, never to return. But the place you have left for ever is always there for you to see whenever you shut your eyes".
You will never forget and you have this incredible blog and amazing photos that will live with you both forever. We are all thinking of you both as you pack up to head back to The States and look forward to greeting you with open arms when you cross The Atlantic again shortly. Travel home safely and have a wonderful re-union.
With all our love, Mum & Dad XXX
Robbie Shearer
Hi Jo & Greg. Poppa and I loved your last three blogs and it was nice see Greg,s sister now you will have to bring here to see New Zealand . We spoke to Bryan yesterday and he was just about to head back to Ireland. Mum can't wait to get you all back home. Poppa is well and played golf today and I was busy playing Mah Jong in the afternoon and playing again tomoorw for a fund raiser for the National Party. Jo I have been so busy this last four weeks as Gary bourght me a new CP and I had Microsoft VISA put on and it was a bit hard for me to cope with but now have it under my belt and love it. Gary also has me hooked up to his CVP in Australia and it is fun hooking intoi him over there ( anything that I want to query he logs into my CP and we are away, it is magic. Poppa and I wish we were going to be over in Ireland with you all but having treatment on my eye every month it makes it too hard. We are going over to Noosa to spend a month with Gary in August and excited that we will be over for the jazz festival we always enoys the three days of our sort of jazz. You will be soon home and we will ring you both there, I forgot Jo you are going over to the States for a wedding please send me some photos and have a great time. Love you both and take care of my precious Jo. Love you both. Nana
Donna & Marion
So glad that your travels in Laos are more relaxing as compared to the other three countries. As always, Greg and Jo, you two make us feel, through your website, that we are there with you... The elephant rides must be once in the lifetime adventure. But then, its the second time for both of you. It absolutely amazes me. The history and culture that you have experinced in that part of the world must be memorable.
All is well here...we are having a heat way...both Grandmas are staying with us.. they constantly ask about both of you... they love the pictures from the website and can't wait to see you.
Enjoy your travels in Asia and be safe. Looking forward to meeting you at the airport, soon. Love you both. Mom and Dad.
I'm happy that horrific bus journey is over... but I bet you two are even happier!!! What a nightmare. Visiting the war zones must been a real opener! A printout graph of your emotions on this journey would make interesting viewing - from way down low to sky high... and a lot in between. I hope you have now caught up on your sleep. Hope you managed to post your new wardrobes back, otherwise you may need a trailer. Both of your clothes & shoes look terrific - its been a while Greg since you last slipped on a suit! Now enjoy Laos. I'm ticking off the calendar big time - won't be long now. Cherish your last days in that extraordinary corner of the world - you will be back to a relatively quiet corner soon!!! Yeah right! I suspect your US friends will be partying with you in a very subdued way - not! Take care of each other. Lots of love to you both. Mum xx
Sorry I missed your call -- I was taking out a gallbladder at the time. I got home safe and sound after a grueling journey and I'm back at work already. I had a great time with you guys and I've already showed off some of the pics -- I'll have to get the rest from you at some point. Well have fun in Vietnam and Laos -- be careful and don't wind up in any gulags. Email when you can. See you when you get back.
Tim & Steph
Greg & Jo,
Sorry i have missed your calls, my Work cell is on the fritz and i am waiting on a new one, i we have been just missing you on the house line by a couple of minutes. hopefully i will catch you soon. looks like you are having a great time, were very jealous. i have to get caught up on the last 2 blogs but they give me laugh everytime i read them.
Talk to you soon... I hope
Paul Jensen
Hi Greg & Jo
Sounds like you are having a blast in Asia - the photos are making me very envious indeed (beaches, snorkelling, cocktails, jacuzzis,.... it looks like paradise).
If you have the time and energy, don't forget to try and make it to Laos. It's very similar in culture/scenery to Thailand, but about 50 years behind. And Luang Prabang (which is right on the Mekong River in central Laos) is a really special place. Good luck!
PS: Happy belated birthday Greg!
Hello you two... What can I say, it sounds like you are having so much fun together! What strength this trip would bring to any relationship! I love reading your blogs and sifting through your pics, I think a lot of us are going to be lost without them when your trip comes to an end! Greg, your birthday sounded so special, one you'll always remember, nice work Jo Jo :-) Miss you heaps, we can't wait to be with you guys and Peter and Di soon. Lots of love Lani xxx
Robbie & Stan Shearer
Hi there Jo & Greg - sorry I did not reply to your email Jo and thanks for the telephone call loved talking to you for so long. We were so intriguied with the photos and Gregs birthday treat. We spoke to mum yesterday and we put it past her that we could go up that way for our anniversary and all meet up that end, I would love to visit Vietnam. I have a friend (my computer tecniction ) his girl friend is from Bangkok and was a travel guide so she may give us some clues or ideas. Pleased you are having such a great time, wish I was young again I would do the same exporing. Lots of love to you both and thanks Greg for looking after Jo. Love you both Nana
Donna & Marion
Greetings, Greg and Jo,
Greg, from your blog and pictures it sound like you are having the time of your life on your Birthday. Jo, thank you for the heads up. Greg was surprised to hear from us and our English Polish "Happy Birthday" songs. All is well here. Irene can't wait to meet up with you guys. Have a great time together. Be safe. Peace and Joy to both of you.
Mom and "Tatus". Love you guys!
Hey Jo & Greg,
What a great holiday you are having. I always take time to have a look at your pics when the come through. We had fab time with Bryan and Lani last week. The time was too short and precious and all the time they were here they had perfect weather.
That was great news to hear that you sold the car in Darwin just after speaking to you. It must have been a stressfull time for you (If you can get stressed on holiday!!).
I tried to call you on your UK mobile in Thailand a couple of times but couldn't get thru. Was hoping to catch up while Brian and Lani were here.
Take care of yourselves, have a lovely time guys and keep sending the pic. We love em.