So India is hot. Hot and humid! The ride in from the airport was a gentle taster for what to expect and was the temperature of your average summer day (this was in the middle of the night). People lined the streets sleeping in every conceivable location including central reservations. Our taxi was somewhat slow as we had opted as we mean to continue and took the cheapest one available. 1970's old cars with a driver who was either very tired (my explanation) or had been smoking a bit too much (which coincidentally it took less than 12 hours to be offered weed). Even the autorickshaws were overtaking us!. The people are very friendly and so far not too pushy. They're very helpful as well which was a bonus as we arrived at our hotel at three in the morning to find it was booked for the following night. A few phone calls later and we got into one down the road so it means a whole two nights in luxury! Even if there is some questionable building work going on at the back of the building carried out using bamboo scaffolding with definately no triangles and tying in points consisting of pieces of string and window frames! Fantabioso!
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