hey guys, hope it all going well, weather looks good. UFC fighters look like pussys mate! greg you know im buying peanut? ill treat her gentle! selling the VTS as its to much petrol.
Mitchlaaaaaaaaaaa Is Back! O Hi!
p.s. did u no u cant swea n hre it puts stars instead look f*** i hit my toe on the sofa. if this dont work then sorry every1 my bad.
GREGLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and LAURENER'RINUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
howz it hanging? bet not as low as me hahahaha! hope all is well and u enjyoing it as much as u were the second u arrived! i found out 2day though in april im going to amsterdam with ma team at work for a business trip with clients, wl go see a ootball match in a private box, big time now a hahahahaha!!! i tell ya wot though, the travel is a right b****!!!!!!!!!
anyway stay kool or just stay asu ae. peace x
Hiya ! Managed to get on here at last. Txt you yesterday .. ans ? . Seen your photos , looks lovely. I want to come ! Going away Easter , trying for Venice. Lots of hours in travel agents at the mo. Still all good with my Lady. Sends her Love. Speak again soon kids. Love Ya & Miss ya xx.
Mum & Pops
Hello kids. Just looked at the latest photo's and they are lovely. Looks like you had a great time in Newcastle. Great speaking to you this morning - don't forget to text me. Been to the club today and guess what I won £20. It's taken over 8 years but at last I won something. Supergran and Grandad Pal love the photo album. It went all round the club today and everyone looked at it. They really are delighted with it. It started snowing this afternoon but it rained soon after so it disappeared quickly. Pops has been having cocktail evenings with Auntie Ann. It's quite an education with what you can do with Madori and Baileys. YUK !!!!!!!!! Pops said he would have preferred to be drinking Lafrogiegh but it's not the same without John with him. LOL. Auntie Ann sends her love to you both and hopes that you have a wonderful time. We love seeing the photo's so keep taking loads. Enjoy your Oz intro week. Lots of love Mum and Pops x x
Mum And Dad
Hi darling - it was lovely speaking to you this morning. Your photos are really nice - Vicky and Carl - you have lovely children!
Lauren and Greg - enjoy your intro week
lots of love Mum xxx
Greg And Lauren
Jordan...na! glad you had a good birthday! what takeaway did we miss?! glad you liked the email! we'll do something big for your 16th! promise! speak to you soon little man!! x x x
Vicky, Carl, Scarlett, Carlo and Jack!! we arrived back in newcastle safely!, we had a great time round yours and we will definetly keep in touch!! speak to you soon x x x
Diane Pete Jordan Leanne and Grace! glad you arrived safely in aberdeen! i hope you've taken lots of pics of Grace with Supergran and grandad pal!! i bet they were so happy when they saw you all and little Grace!! i wish we was there to see their faces!!! hope you have a great time! and we will be calling soon to say hi to you all!! x x x
Supergran and Grandad Pal! hi, i hope you are both well! i bet it was amazing seeing and holding Grace for the first time!! did you like the album we made! we havent seen it printed yet as we had to leave before it arrived!! we'll be calling in the next few days to have a little chat! speak to you soon! x x x
Auntie Ann, Daniel and Alan!! how are you all? it was great to hear from you all!! Alan did you make sure Daniel didnt make a mess before Diane & Co arrived?! lol keep in touch, speak to you all soon!! x x x
Greg And Lauren
Danlaaaaaahh!!!!!! Cant believe you have sold 'mini beast', was'nt worth getting it fixed nah?? It had a few problems with it so it was prob for the best. Escort sounds fun, how many times has Jordan wanted to race it?
No more celebs im afraid but will keep an eagle look out! and i'll be sure to let you know immediately!
MITCH SON!!!!!!!!!!!! you make sure you get a good nights kip for work, great opportunity for you here a! Good Luck with your first day and remember, 'theres no such thing as a Skirting board ladder'!
Greg And Lauren
LUKE SON! Riigggghhht OK!!!...........................Ayyyy what are you dooing!!!!
How you been mate, its been a few years now since we last spoke!! Hope all is good for you and your lady!
We'll all definitely have to meet up when we get back.
Catch ya later mate!
Luke Byford
"I GOT NO TEETH"!!!!!!!!
Dan 'hero' Harrison
Heeeelllllooooooo Gregory & Laurence'
Thought i'd quickly say Hi and see if there was any other pics added...maybe with Sly Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger this time??? lol. If there had then in woulda seriously kicked some ass.
Hope everythings going brill still, pics are quality!!!!
Got a free house for a week now because as u know, they've all gone Scotland for a week. I have 4 party's planned so far N am hosting a fancy dress party tonight!!!...oh, mum & pops read this don't they :=& hahaha
Mitchell starts Darwin on Monday. I have no idea how he is feeling about it as he's been doing his own thing all week boozing it up alot with 'bill' tutut. Going to make sure he all gd though.
I sold my car on Friday - £250, how bad is that!!!! i was sooo hacked off. It was like someone was thieving it from me right infront of me :=(
Today i bought a little run-around till i get another MR2 in June. I bought a Ford Escort 1.8 Si. £575, 89kmiles and long Tax & MOT..can't go wrong i say :=)
Hurry up N get an Xbox or something Gregory so i can whoop ya ar*e at UFC again. We not been playing it recently...tell a lie...we haven't played on it since ya left lol. We just watch Sky in Mitch's room or this nw programme me N Mitch have got into - it's called 'Vampire Diaries', it's like a TV series of Twilight.
Well i must dash as i'm using Toni's Apple-Mac laptop N it not got much battery left, plus wer about to have some dinner....Chicken Stir-fry!!!!! LOVE IT!!!
Keep having fun my D-Peeps! (is D-Peeps getting on Lauren's nerves yet?)
Sending MILLIONS & MILLIONS of punches! byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye.
Oh N Toni say's "Hiiiiiiiiiiyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaa"
Little Jordan
hello lauren-na and greg
thanks for the "pound" that was very thoughtful lol.
it was a good day thanks very much for the e-mail i think australia are nicking our cities EG. newcastle and south wales
thank you diane and pete and babs and pete for the cards and chocolate :)