Greetngs from Geylang. laura and i thought we would keep up trtadition and stay in the red light district of singapore, as we have any other country we have visited. may i say WOW!!!!!! there are literally girls lined up shoulder to shoulder along roads that go on and on and on and on........ i would honestly say about 500 girls on one block. crazy.
the weather is sooooo humid, like hitting a wall, makes thailand feel like scotland. the sun is yet to apear but we are hoping we will find it when we travel into the city centre tomorrow. going to try book a bus to Malaysia and spend a few days in K.Lumpur before heading on to the perinthian islands where there is aparently NO electricity?? interesting.
everything is quite cheap here apart from accomondation. we hope to save even more cash wneh we get to Malaysia as you get double the "ringgett" for your money there. so we are visiting the zoo and night safari on Thursday and hopefully going on a river cruise through the city to see all the new sites and also the anchient "haunted" buildings.
anyway, see you all soon, just 5 weeks to go!!!!
Nick X
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