SO, as Matt and Shaznay are admiring the finer things in life within Jane and Pauls flat, i am looking down on a homeless admiring his own sick. on his lap. on the roadside. as i rang Matt to tell him the oh such highs of Darlinghurst road where we are staying, a lady asked me, "you got any crack mate?" "you got any under your hat?" the second wierdest thing an Ozzie has said to be. only behind, "go f*** yourself you pommey c*** "
they are more pommey than i will ever be.
any way, Sydney is ACE! sort of like London, but tiny. with nice pies.
we came across this big bridgething the one day, and this house they use for operah. and such things. everyone was crowding around in excitement so i just joined in and took some photos in case this "operah house" thing was important.
This road we chose to live in- OH WOW!!!! Kings Cross- where dreams are made!!!
the Samuri are at their most complete and powerful state and are all taking a hike up the east coast on Friday. should take about 3 weeks.
see you later,
they have double decker trains here, stupid idea... aussie means a bit wierd
See you later..... well done
Nicky MacNabby X
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