Lovely restful day at sea. Gorgeous weather with lots of lying by the pool enjoying the sun and warmth. Lovely food and a formal night tonight. Ian and I have had our footstep analysed and corrective inserts for both will only be £109 a pair! I think a visit to Kendal ski shop where they are bespoke and £8 a pair may be called for!
The Captain has apologised for the vibration and admitted we are running on one engine which means we will be 5hours late in Mumbai.
We have very obvious pirate watches onboard and the ship has blackout enforced with the decks out of bounds after dark. We are now being escorted by an American aircraft carrier and a couple of destroyers. Presumably extra security since we are travelling slowly.
There is no sense of concern or worry at all. Just been inspected by a couple of US helicopters.
LATER. The Captain has slowed right down while we have dinner so the mutiny had some effect! He Also came round each table to make sure we all felt more comfortable. That is why we cruise P & O. Captains Cocktail party tonight too. He spoke very well and humorously for the occasion and revealed that he had been onboard since Malta but 'undercover' as he described it , getting the feel of the ship as a passenger. Again an example of P & O attention to detail.
Good show by the theatre company.
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