Graeme round the world
Day 68 Wed 31st May - Up at 5am and surprising didn't sleep that much as had the freefall on my mind. I have done one before over Swansea Bay but this was from another 2,000 ft higher and instead of 23 seconds freefall this one was going to be 60 seconds and travelling at 200kmh +++, so I calculated I was going to end up a lot closer to the ground before the chute opened than last time. The skydive instructors were really cool, but the guy taking Laura from the bus, managed to get his leg stuck in his parachute strap and fall face first on the concrete and cut his face, knees and hands quite badly, which I told him didn't inspire lots of confidence, which he took very well as he wiped the blood off and said "let's go for it" :o) The sun was just starting to rise as we shot forward for take off in the small plane and rose rapidly as the thought of what we were about to do was starting to sink in, luckily before the terror took hold the door slide open and it was time to go. Laura was first and I was really worried as she had attempted abseiling at Barrington, but it was just too much for her, so wasn't sure a 14,000 ft high jump was going to be any easier!!!!! The good news is the instructors don't give you anytime to think they just push you forward towards the door and off you go. Watching Laura and Philippe fall out of the plane was really freaky.........and now it's my turn, feet over the edge, smile for the camera, head and legs back and off we go........WOW, WOW, WOW it is mind blowing, I am much more aware this time, as my first jump I was numbed slightly by sensory overload. I really felt the speed as we hurtled towards the ground. It was am amazing feeling to know you and the camera man are falling that fast at the same time just feet apart and with nothing apart from the parachute, which was hopefully going open, to stop you hitting the ground very very hard. We went through some light cloud and that just heightened the feeling of speed as I could see the sea approaching very rapidly, so was very pleased when the chute opened and it felt we shot back up into the sky as the camera dropped down below us. The ride under canopy was so relaxing and quiet after the noise of the wind and crazy adrenaline rush of the drop. The sun was shining over the sea and we swooped into land on the beach. Wow and back in time for a quick breakfast whilst watching the DVD with the crew from the OZ bus and then off at 8am towards our final destination Cairns. Stopped off at an Alligator farm and saw some huge alligators being fed, stroked a Kangaroo, held a baby alligator and got bitten 3 x by a snake.......well they asked for volunteers to put their hands in the cage with two snakes to see if they would bite .......... so I volunteered and they did :o) Whent to the stunning waterfall seen in Tiotei ads and also Peter Andre's 'Mysterious Girl' video, swam under the fall which really pounded you as you went under, climbed the slippery rocks behind and then 7 of us including Jette and Vanesa mooned the rest of the Oz bus, including some other surprised on lookers, which was really fun. Bought sausages at local store, went to another lake and took turns doing belly flops to entertain the crowd, before cooking lunch on one of the BBQ's they have in all the forest and lake areas. I had bought an American football, so threw that around with Paul from Glasgow and Pete from UK, as well as Jerone from Holland, who has been on the bus since Brisbane and a really great guy to travel with :o) Jas the driver buys balloons so we have a balloon fight for a couple of hours on the bus until we reach Cairns. Jette and Vanesa decide to do topless bungee, which I was happy to sit with my drink and watch as I was just aboput adrenalined out. Jas and some of the boys followed suit with some nude jumps, so a good way to end the tour before getting dropped off at our hostels, whilst Jas reviewed all the amazing things we did since we got on the bus at Sydney, with music blasting in the background as normal. The Gilligans hostel was amazing, totally modern and I even got a balcony. We partied at the Woolpack Bar, which included the girls doing a wet T shirt competition, huge amounts of alcohol and dancing on the tables. Left at 1sh and very sad to say goodbye to some amazing people, but very happy to have gone for every possible activity available during the last 16 days and had an amazing time up the East Coast............Awesome :o)
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