Graeme round the world
Day 48 Thursday 11th May - Rained all night so worried the glacier trip would be cancelled due to rain and poor visibility. After a massive breakfast of rolled oats with fruit and 4 doorstop slices of toast and honey, they certainly know how to feed you here :o), the rain stopped about 7.30am and we flew up by helicopter at 10.30am as planned, wow, great ride with the compulsory steep turns around the mountains. Met some really great people on my trip and the guide was brilliant letting us jump over the crevases and crawl into the ice caves and holes, but making sure we didn't fall down the big cravases, which as the glacier is 450m high was a great idea. It moves at 1m per day and 4 m on the steep bits, it is deceptively huge 3km up from where we were standing to the top, with so many crevases and caves to explorer. We got to wear mountaineering boots and crampons, with ice sticks so really felt the part. Crawling through the caves was scary as you had no grip and had to hold on with your finger nails so you didn't slide down somewhere you didn't want to. Mike from Wales & I got soaking wet and frozen going into as many of the small holes as possible. It was an amazing landscape and so exciting to explore the slow moving ice, which changes shape every day and we were so lucky with the weather as the clouds closed in just as we were leaving so all afternoon hikes were cancelled. Rained hard in the afternoon so we just sat in the local cafe drinking wine..........perfect. Having dinner with the guys from the trip tonight :o)
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