Rownd y Byd efo Helen a Fiona!!
Wel, dyna fi di cal treulio pythefnos yn bod yn beach babe go iawn!! Andros o lan mor hir yn Surfers Paradise yn llawn surfers (yn amlwg!) a life guards! Gallwch fentro ein bod ni'n dwy wedi mwynhau ein hunain yn fawr iawn yma!!
Lle reit rhyfadd oedd Surfers yn fy marn i am fod y traeth reit ar ochr y dre, ag erbyn tua 3 o'r gloch y pnawn doedd dim posib torheulo am fod yr 'high-rise buildings' yn creu cysgod dros y traeth i gyd!! Bad planning yn fanno braidd gan rhywun!!
Heblaw am fynd i'r traeth doedd dim llawar arall i neud yn Surfers, felly ges i fy nhemptio gan yr holl siopa neis oedd ogwmpas!! Mi roeddwn i wedi gwirioni efo'r night-markets yma hefyd (dipyn gwell na maes pwllheli -sori!), yn llawn o betha wierd & wonderful (gwario eto!!).
Ymlaen a ni wedyn i Byron Bay. ( Pwy sy di bod yn glyfar a wedi sylwi ein bod ni wedi neud cangymeriad ar y wefan??! Tydi B.B ddim yn Queensland o gwbl, 'da ni di cyrraedd New South Wales bellach!)
Mi ges i brofi ychydi o'r 'waves' yma... a mae nhw'n goblyn o betha cry! Roedd hi'n hollol ddi bwrbas trio sefyll yn y dwr gan i mi gael fy nharo drosodd gan y tonnau yn syth! Hefyd, y peryg o drio gwrth-sefyll y tonnau oedd y ffaith eu bod nhw ddigon cry i dynnu ein bikinis i ffwrdd!!!
Tra yn B.B mi fuon yn sefyll ar y darn o dir mwya gorllewinol yn Awstralia! Hefyd aethon i weld yr olygfa o'r goleudy, er fod dipyn o waith cerdded ato roedd o werth bob cam! (ar y ffordd o fama ddois i wyneb i wyneb efo'r 'lizard' anferth na sydd yn y llun!! Wir i chi, mi roedd o tua r'un maint a fy nghoes i!! Scary stuff!)
Ein trip i Nimbin nes i fwynhau fwyaf yma. Pentra bach tua awr i ffwrdd o B.B ydi Nimbin ac yn ystod y 60au symydodd llond lle o dipi hipis yma, a chymryd y lle drosodd! Yno mae nhw byth!! Yn amlwg, mae nhw i gyd ddipyn yn hyn erbyn hyn, ond wedi newid dim!! Hen ferched efo gwalltiau bob lliw a dillad llachar yn mwynhau bywyd mewn ffordd 'laid back' go iawn. Sawl un yn neud bywoliaeth o werthu "cacenni" (!!) ar ochr y strydoedd! Dw i'n ama yn gry mod i am ddod i reteirio yma!!
Bydd taith reit hir on blaena ni rwan (o leia 16 awr) wrth i ni neud ein ffordd i Canberra. Mi fyddai siwr o'ch updatio o'r prifddinas!
Hwyl am y tro -Hels xxx
I have to apologise for the delay with this Postcard, but with all the surfers and lifeguards I've been slightly distracted!! Who can blame me, I have after all spent the last few weeks in Surfers Paradise and Byron Bay!!! We stayed in Surfers for a couple of days, topping up our tans! Unfortunaley for me it didnt go to plan! Off I went to the beach, head to toe with Factor 30+, after an hour of lying on the beach I was a nice shade of red, but only down 1 side!!!? who else eh? Surfers was a nice town but it was very commercialised, with all the high rise buildings on the sea front, which cast a nice shadow over the beach every afternoon!! Also far too many shops... with all the autum sales on we just had to go in!! Thought it was safer to leave there after a couple of days, so off we went to Byron Bay!
Byron Bay was such a nice town, so laid back and chilled! We had planned to stay there for 3 nights, we ended up staying there for over a week! and we could easily of stayed there longer if we had the time ( next time!! ). While in Byron we walked up to the lighthouse, quite a hike but it was worth every step (phew!) The views were amazing! Below the lighthouse we had the chance to be the most easternly people in Australia!! Which felt a bit strange! We spent a few days on the beach, it was so much fun going into the sea, we tried to swim, but the waves were so strong we couldnt stand up, and with every wave we got swept to shore! So much fun!! We spent a day in the Small village of Nimbin! What an experience! Nimbin is a small village where hippies held a festival in the 60's, but never left! They still live there and enjoy an alternative lifestyle, with some making a living of selling "cakes" and "tobacco" on the streets!! On the way back to Byron we went to visit Dr.Paul, a very excentric man who rebuilt a rain forest on his land! We were taken on a nice walk around his property! (it was nice until the rain started and the leeches became fond of our feet!!)
Very reluctant to leave Byron Bay, but we head off on the over night bus to Canberra!
Bye for now Fi xx
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