Received a message that the power would be off early this morning - perhaps that's why we were subconsciously awake so early! We were packed, had breakfast and on the road by 830am. After petrol headed straight out of town south to Northcliffe...a tiny little village whose main claim to fame is "Understory" - a 1.2km bush track circuit of unique artwork sculptures. Amazing! With our audio tour to listen to commentary from the actual artists, and map in hand, was an interesting way to spend 45 minutes or so. After coffee at the nearby Hollowbutt Cafe we continued on to Walpole - less than an hour. A wonderfully informative lady at the visitor information centre provided us with invaluable recommendations! We explored the inlet area of Walpole and the tiny hamlet, then took The Knoll loop drive for the vistas of the Nornalup Inlet - a haven for boating and fishing. We then detoured unsealed road to the Giant Tingle Tree. Quite a different type of tree to the Karris - red in colour and dominated by bulges ( ) caused by combination of bacteria, fungi .....
Once back on the South Coast highway was not far to the turn off for the Valley of the Giants Treetop walk. The 600m walkway is 40m above the forest floor - really giving you a bird's eye view of the forest - complete with a bit of a sway at times.
Took less than an hour to complete as well as the Ancient Empire walk on ground level through the veteran Tingle trees. All awesome.
A short drive back to the highway and a stop at the roadhouse at Bow Bridge for a hamburger (funny little backwater).
Continued on towards Denmark, taking the recommended diversion to Elephant Rocks and Greens Pool. OMG - would have to be one of the highlights of our trip! Incredible view! In sparkling sunshine.... Crystal clear water and amazing coastline! Obvious why it's called Elephant Rocks ..... So glad for the opportunity to clamber over and view from above as well as climb down and absorb the view from below! Incredible!
Not too far into the touristy little town of Denmark ..pretty inlet area for boating and fishing laden with pelicans - as well as shops, cafes etc. Spotted the tulips in the gardens in the centre of the main street! Had a rare wander around the shops - bit Bellingen-like... found my paw print chocolate shop! Finished the day's travelling with the final leg to Albany opting for the Lower Denmark Road. Interesting scenery - dairy cattle, wineries, cideries, a wind farm, berry farms and other roadside specialities.
Arrived into Albany after 430pm not anticipating the size, and ultimately, appeal of this historical port town. It has a population of 30,000 and was settled in 1826 - two years before Perth! Was easy to find our B & B for our last two nights - Dunmoylen House - a gorgeous old home overlooking a park and Princess Royal Harbour. It is all quite delightful and our hostess Cheryl is friendly and informative. Freshened up before strolling into town for a drink and a delicious Italian meal! Big Day!
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