I can officially say I have fallen in love with Kayaking. The 3 hour sunset kayaking trip that I did in Franz Josef was fantastic and the photos that Wayne took of us all are really good. I cant put them on here because they are on a cd but I will show them to you when I get home. Really thinking about doing some more kayaking when I get home too eeeek.
Wed Morning we woke up and suprise suprise it was raining. The one day we could do with a nice sunny day for our glacier walk and it was over cast and raining. We headed to the office and got kitted out in over trousers, socks, boots and raincoats and then jumped on the bus which took us to the base of the glacier. Within 1/2 we were all soaked through to our underwear but as Im sure you can understand from the photographs, the glacier was so stunning that we didnt really care. Don't get me wrong we were wet cold and hungry but we were only going to do this once so we made sure we got the most out of it. Our tour guide Jase was really nice and made sure we were all happy and safe. The colours of the ice and the caves we climbed up, through and around, were incredible. It is definately one of the best and most challenging things I have ever done and I am so glad I did it. When we got down from the glacier, the girls and I qucikyl put on our bikinis and headed to the hot pools for a well deserved relax. It was Jases' birthday so we met him, and all the others from our bus at the bar for dinner and a few drinks. I really loved our hostel, the rainforest retreat, and I can honestly say that so far, Franz Josef has been the place that has challenged, wow'd me and shown me the breathtaking side to New Zealnd.
On Thursday we travelled to a place called Wanaka. A beautiful little ski resort/town at the bottom of the west coast. Josh, our coach driver, who I hated to begin with and now have really warmed to, took us to one of New Zealands most photographed lakes, Lake Matheson. My photos don't do it justice but it was like a picture postcard. In the evening the girls and I cooked a bbq and had a nice relaxing evening playing cards and watching tele.
The time had come to hit the party capital of New Zealnd... Queenstown. On Friday morning we went to a little place called Puzzle World. It had a maze and a couple of illusion rooms which we were fascinating but also made me feel very nautious. The next stop was Nevis. The home of the 2nd highest Bungy in the world. Lucy and Kerry did the 134 metre jump, I know, all I can say is ahhhhhh. To be honest if I hadn't have had such a bad experience previously I would love to have done it but it wasn't worth the risk. The girls loved it though. In the evening we cooked a very healthy stir fry before hitting the town. At 8pm we had attend Kiwi court. Basically everyone from the bus are called down to the bar and asked to sit in a circle with two drinks each. The bus was then asked 25 questions and if you answered yes to any of them you had to stand up and take 2 gulps of your drink. There were three rules you had to abide by while in kiwi court and that was no pointing, you couldn't say the word drink and you had to pick up your glass with your left hand only while sticking your little finger out. If you didn't abide by these rules then you also had to take 2 gulps of your drink. As I am sure you can imagine it got very messy and people got drunk very quickly but it was a fantastic and fun end to our journey around the South Island.
On Saturday I went to Milford Sounds, voted the 8th wonder of the world. We had a buffet lunch and a 2 hour boat journey around the sound followed by an underwater observatory where you could see black coral (which is actually white hehe). We saw mirror lakes, 1000's of waterfalls, falling cliffs, rolling mountains, seals and a comapletely blue sky. Milford Sounds was breathtaking and we were extremely lucky with the weather. I am really pleased my photos have come out so well. It was a fantastic and relaxing day. In the evening we had a jagerbomb night as it was my last night out with the girls. We put on face paint for the UV night organised in Altitude bar and drunk lots of free drinks, wahoo. We went to a few bars, drunk cocktails out of teapots, did a Jager train and ended the night with Lucy and James doing rolly polys on the dancefloor... it was a very funny night.
Sunday morning was not pretty. We all woke up with a stinking hangover so we decided to go to the best burger shop in the world, Fergburger. You can choose from 20 different types of burgers and they are the size of a dinner plate. It was just what we needed and spent the afternoon sunbathing, and recovering, by the lake. In the evnign the girls took me for a thai which was yummy and we had a couple of glasses of wine in the pub by the lake.
This morning I had to say goodbye to the girls which was horrible. We all became really close over the 10 days we have been travelling together and Josh, the bus driver, even nicknamed us the backseat bad asses hehe. Steph, Kerry, Lucy and Laura left for Milford Sounds this morning and I jumped on the bus to Christchurch, ready for my journey North. It is really strange to think that on Monday all 5 girls will be in different countries. Kerry will be in Australia, Steph will be back in the UK, Lucy will be in Africa, Lucy will be in Thailand and I will still be here. I was really nervous this morning that I wouldn't know anyone on the bus but a lot of the South Island crew are also heading North and left this morning with me wahoo. Liz, Will, Steve, Rich, Benny, Sophie, Adam and I took over the backseats, once again, and had a really good chat and drive to Christchurch. We got here about an hour ago, I put on some washing and I am about to go and grab some noodles for dinner before a couple of drinks with the crew tonight. We have got a 7am start tomorrow so is definately going to be a quiet one. It is a bit annoying to be back in Chrsitchurch again and I have to stop in Kaikoura again tomorrow in order to go North but it shouldn't be too bad because I will be with all the people from the bus. Oh and I saw Mel for the first time in NZ today. She is also in Christchurch tonight, Kaikoura tomorrow and heading North so I will be with her for a few days. Then I meet her again on the 6th in Auckland before we go to Fiji on the 8th. I am so excited.
Right Ive got to go and put my clothes in the dryer.
Will update again when I am in Wellington on Thursday.
Lots of Love xxx
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