Monday 5 March 2012
We had a very frustrating morning at the school this morning, levelling and re-levelling the ground without any clear instructions on what was needed, despite asking. However, we still had quite a good time as Joel was the life and soul of the party.
After lunch it rained, so that we all started work in the vegetable garden whilst it continued to rain. We uprooted virtually all the radishes, most of which had rotted in the ground. I had to give in earlier as the rain soaked through my lightweight rain jacket, through my jumper and into my shirt, whilst it had dripped and found its way through my cotton leggings. These were wet from the crotch down to the ankles and I was starting to get very cold and didn't want the rain to start collecting in my boots. I was able to wring out liquid from the leggings and borrowed Eva's hairdryer to partially dry my leggings and fully dry my work T-shirt, at her suggestion (she had given up even earlier, especially as she wasn't feeling well).
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