Langkawi has been the last destination, one which we enjoyed immensely. We were there since Friday 13th, unlucky for some – but luckily for us our ferry from Penang didn’t sink! It took us 3 hours to sail north, journey was a bit rough and we both felt a bit sea sick towards the end, but made it in one piece all the same. When we arrived the weather was chucking it down, but it picked up despite a few random down-pours. First night we stayed at the Sandy Beach, bloody expensive 88 Ringits for the night, so we went on an exploration exercise to find cheep digs – and we found it, what a find? Stayed in the Shirin Guesthouse for 25 Ringits a night in a bright orange hut; all the other huts are differently painted in bright colours. It was pretty quiet at the moment being out of season, but it’s owned by a lovely couple who have been really helpful. A Japanese women and her Iranian husband who is quite clearly mental! All he says is "have a good time!" even when you are going to use the internet!!! As u can tell his English is extensive!
In Langkawi we hired a car for 3 days as you can see from the photo it’s a beast, 0 to 90 km/hour in 3 days! It’s so small Chris couldn’t even put the seat back far enough for his legs! In it we drove all the way round the island, visiting sights such as the Seven Wells and its waterfall, as well as Langkawi Falls. We visited a few of the island’s beaches and also went up another cable car. However, this cable car was bloody high; the photos don’t do it justice. As we were going up the second part of it, huge clouds came across and engulfed us, we couldn’t see a thing, and it was quite eerie, especially as the temperature dropped too. It also had a suspension bridge just randomly situated above the canopy – we couldn’t see much through the cloud, but it you could still see how high up it was! Gem swore she felt it move as the wind was kicking up (sorry Glynn can’t help ourselves!). We also drove up Mount Raya in our little car, we had to drive most of the way up the 12 km winding road in 2nd gear just to make it up the 10 % incline. As we reach the top, once again we can not see a thing for the cloud, as just at that time of day, there’s another storm! The heavens opened so we had to pull over close to the verge and wait for the rain to pass, we couldn’t see a thing and we didn’t fancy going over the edge Kamikaze style - even with a 660cc engine I bet you could plummet to your death quite easily!
Had a few nights out on the beer, a Sunday sesh in which we phoned a few people in the UK, sorry Hez we don’t have your house number, and we also ran out of money!!! We had a crazy night Monday after meeting a familiar face….remember our scary looking friend Zhyme, the barman from the Perhentian Islands, well he’s only come home to Langkawi, after finishing work for the season – and we bumped into him – how crazy is that? He was off to the Gheko bar for a drink so we join him, then we end up meeting a guy called Kev, who we’d spoken to a few nights earlier at Debbie’s Place the Irish Bar. So we all sat and drank at the Gheko until 1am, time just flew by. Then headed off to the Reggae Bar with them both for more drinks and live music from the locals. It was a good night, latest so far, as we crawl in at 6am. Needless to say the day after was a bit of a struggle!
We are now in Phuket - Thailand, arrived Thursday 19th, weather is absolutely steaming, beach is gorgeous, don't want to rub it in too much, not just yet anyway?! We've got a few trips booked while we're here, so we'll write again soon in a few days time.
Over and out, Dherka Dherka!!
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