Day 5 - Thailand to Cambodia
We met our tour group and leader last night and none of them seem like nutters, well apart from Martin. We had a quick introduction before all heading out into the rain to find a restaurant to eat in, which was recommended by the tour leader. We panicked thinking we were being taken to a fancy restaurant, which would be really expensive, and we were right. My meal and drink cost 99 baht, which is about £2.15, I did consider explaining to the tour leader that there are cheaper street stalls and you can eat for about 30 baht but resisted. However ignoring the price the spicy rice and fried Catfish was very tasty. The tour leader then asked if we wanted to go to a bar, we walked to the door and the rain was chucking it down. She then explained it was an outdoor bar, we considered it for a while but then decided to make a quick dash to the hotel, about a 30 second run to the hotel and we were soaking, so decided to call it a night.
We got up early this morning and headed down for breakfast included with the hotel, but unfortunately they had no cheese and ham toasty's so I had to have spaghetti and ham instead. We then climbed on a lovely air-conditioned bus around 7am and headed of towards the border. We were asked what film we wanted to watch and Martin very wisely picked the sub-title one, since I was at the back I couldn't read a thing but the fighting moves looked pretty good which I may practice later.
We stopped for a quick toilet break and to get our Cambodian visas. The toilets were lovely so clean and fresh and ……… hang on a minute I'm thinking of the hotel toilets maybe the less said about these toilets the better. So we got back on the bus and all spent the next hour chatting to one another panicking as to whether the passports we gave to the visa people would ever get back to us. Thankfully we received them back when we arrived at the border, and after 3 checks we were finally in Cambodia.
We then got on a cramped coach, the luxury of the mini bus left behind, but at least it was clean. We drove for about 10 minutes getting used to our new transport then got taken off it and put on a smaller dirtier bus. Fingers crossed it doesn't get worse. We stopped for a quick bite in a traditional Cambodian restaurant in the middle of no where, (guess this is what they call a service station out here). Thankfully this place had toilets with soap woo hoo, after cleaning my hands for half an hour we headed back onto the bus and now we are heading to the hotel to see what joy that brings.
- comments
Tricia Kelly Wow we have been following your blog and you sound as if you are having a fab time. Take care. x