Brno is a small university town in the east of the Czech Republic. And it was here I did my first bit of Couch Surfing. I spent 3 nights with a Spanish guy named Hugo who lived just down from the castle. He was a very laid-back chill guy who was into rock and blues.
My first night there was a Friday night and Hugo had some Spanish speaking thing on where he meets a bunch of people at a pub and they just speak Spanish so non-natives can practice. I went along with him which was interesting because I was the only person there who couldn't speak Spanish, so I just sat and drank. Hugo and a few others were nice enough to speak English on occasion. With the amount of Spanish speakers I've met on this trip so far I'm thinking I should be trying to learn that rather than German.
After that we went to the "Drunken Friday" weekly Couchsurfing meetup. This consisted of buying a few beets from the shop and then going to a park and drinking for a few hours and then heading to a club. It was a pretty awesome club; cheap beers and good music; two things non-existent in clubs back home. We also left at like 5am and it was still open. On the way home I dropped and broke my phone. Something I'm still spew'n about to this day.
Not much happened on Saturday. We slept most of the day. The most interesting thing happened at lunch. We went to a restaurant and ordered soup and a main. Then they brought out the wrong mains and forgot about the soup entirely. I've never seen such incompetence before.
On Sunday I finally did the touristy stuff and went up to the castle and around the town centre. It was nice but nothing mind blowing. In the centre of the town they have this clock which looks like a giant dildo. The sections of it spin around, quicker up the top and slower down the bottom. But apparently no one knows how to actually tell the time on it.
Then Hugo took me to the Starobrno brewery for lunch and some drinks. I had some great Goulash and some great dark beer. Hugo also introduced me to the band Airbourne which I'm surprised I had never heard before because they're Australian and have a very similar sound to ACDC.
On monday I was off to Bratislava. I hadn't booked anything, I figured I'd just head to the train station and go from there. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Even just figuring out where to buy the tickets from was a hassle. The first window I went to was the wrong one and the lady there didn't speak much English so she wasn't very helpful. I eventually did get a ticket only to find that the next train was 2 hours away and then it got delayed by 80mins.
Of course then I also couldn't figure out the platform and there was nothing at all written on the ticket. I eventually found an Aussie couple going to the same place and between us we managed to figure it out. We sat together on the train and also in our booth was this old Slovak lady (Viera) who was more than excited to meet a bunch of Australians. She chatted to us about Bratislava and Slovakia the whole way and then even offered to buy our bus tickets for us and escort us to our hostels. We refused that, but it was a nice offer anyway. She did still point out and explain where to go.
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