It has been a long journey.
Leaving Falmouth by train in the brilliant sunshine was made all the more enjoyable chatting to charming and fun lady, Carol.
There was the usual cold draughty wait for bus to transfers from terminal 5 to 4
Check in with Biman was smooth and friendly. Quick chats with my sons Louis and Bernard.
I was the only white person on this huge crowded plane but people were friendly without being a nuisance. Sat next to me was a clever young man who aspires to be a lawyer and then go into politics. I predict that he will achieve this and be good. You would never believe that he is only 16 with such communication skills.
This flight goes direct to Bangladesh but, unusually, stops at Sylhet before going on to Dhaka -about 11hours from London. If I had known this before I would have stopped off at Sylhet and explored that region first. A family invited me to stay with them. The plabe waited on the tarmac for an hour for cleaning- well sort of cleaning. I am learning that cleaning is not a strong point here.
Beautiful views of the paddy fields on take off.
At Dhaka airport changed £100 for 12,300 taka. So 123 taka to the pound or 80 to the dollar.
Arranged for Bangladeshi SIM card for my old phone. They apologised for charging 150 taka to put the SIM card in with 20 free local calls and then you charge up with what extra you want. All smiley and polite.
The woman at the tourist information desk was as unhelpful as possible which always find amusing.
Outside it was chaos. They wanted to charge me 4 times the going rate for a taxi in the airport saying that there was a strike on. Outside they wanted to charge only double and in the end paid a little less than double which was still only £4. But then he was hoping to make extra by trying to get me to go to another hotel. Half wish I had!
At Hotel Pacific they showed me to 3 different scale rooms the cheapest with no air con and no window-smelly and not nice. The most expensive with aircon stank to high heaven. Didn't want to go to the trouble of changing so went with the third with fan and smelled fresher. It was still very grubby with filthy pillowcases which asked eventually had changed. But then what can you expect for less than £12.
My ankles were swollen like balloons so I soaked them in cold water in the bath -yes it does have a grubby ensuite too.
Tried to sleep but felt cold with the fan on at first. It is actually quite cool at night so aircon not necessary.
Late evening went down to the restaurant and for £2 had a delicious chicken curry with some spicy vegetables.
Bernard had emailed me re reports of problems in Dhaka and when I asked at reception they told me that in various parts of the city there have been riots with busses on fire etc. can't get wifi in my room on the ninth floor to find out more.
It is nearly 1am and for the last hour there has been hammering and drilling going on with, now, a fellow talking loudly on the phone in the hallway. I'm on English time so still wide awake but hope to sleep sometime. Wish me luck!
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