Petchaburi- Kaeng Krachan National ParkOk so after all the fun we had in Bangkok, the next few days were quite a bit different. We got a bus to Petchaburi which is suppose to the one of the highlights of the upper-southern gulf! The key words being 'suppose to" in this sentence. What we actually found was a small average town with nothing in it, no people who spoke a word or English and nothing to see but a few angry looking monkeys who were eyeing up my kitkat! It was only suppose to be a stop off before the national park, as this is the main town that dos trips there. In reality, there was one hostel, coincidently our hostel, that arranged one trip there which mainly consisted on bird watching...not really what we were hoping for!After spending hour trying to locate the TAT office and failing, we found a small office resembling the TAT office. Im not sure what it was but this tiny Thai woman was trying to learn English on the internet whilst trying to help us. We told her where we wanted to go and she took us to her car (randomely leaving her place of work in the middle of the day) and drove us round town pointing at places she thought might help us. She was so lovely! It was just so hard not being able to communicate! I have since bought a thai phrase book!In the end we ended up at our hostel...what a nightmare! We were told to get a bus at 9am that would take us part way to the park. That night we had the worst night sleep. The hostel might as well have been in the middle of a motorway and under a mosqito's palace or hive or whatever they have!I have a photo, it was officially the worst place we had stayed up until recently, but I will tell you more about that later!Anyway the next morning we went for the bus, was not a bus like we know buses! It was like we had walked into a scene from Dumb and Dumber- where they sing 'mock-yeh-ing-yeh-bird-yeh yeh-yeh'. We hoped on the back of a truck with lots of local people travelling to neighbouring villages. Along the way we picked up food supplies for the neighbouring villages, so had hugh sacks of rice, fruit, boxes of I don't know what, corn, everything you can think of rammed next to our legs. All that was missing were some live was hilarious!When we arrived at this village, or should I say at the tree, close to the park, we had to get on the back of a motorbikes! I know what you are thinking, how can two girls with two hugh backpacks-packed to the brim to last them a year- possibly fit on a motorbike? We were thinking the same thing! Although the guys took our bags put them infront of them, made us get on the back and we made our way surpirsingly easily through the winding roads of the park! The journey to the park was alot more entertaining than the park itself though. We soon realised that without a 4-wheel-drive it was pretty much a waste of time going. We hired some bikes for a while, travelled to a local shack for some rice, as this was the only food we knew how to say, and then cycled round the park. We then got caught in the rain, and the rest of our night was spent eating more rice and sitting under shelter, before going to bed early.The next day we headed for Bangkok again to get an overnight bus to Krabi, and wrote the national park off as a big mistake!
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