What an awesome trip! FraserIsland was so much fun! It started with an early morning wake-up call, followed by a group meeting in the hostel. Our group was really cool, there was all us girls, Laura and Dane who we knew we got on well with, and then 4 boys from Wales and Bristol; the funniest and most metal people I have met for a while. We had to decide what food we wanted to take with us to feed the ten of us for the next 3 days. Then it was mine and Stephan's job to go and play supermarket sweep at 7am in the local supermarket! The pressure was on! We were armed with our shopping list, a map of the aisles, and our trolley, it was the funniest shopping trip I've ever been on! Steph was so funny, he was a typical bloke not knowing where to start in the shop, and was equipped with a terrible hangover which made him even worse. We had 30mins to get everything we needed for the whole group, and we finished with time to spare and about 10 loaves of bread more than we needed! We literally raced around, before heading back to the 4WD, we were so proud of ourselves! The Welsh are such funny people!
Once we got back to the car we set off on our adventure and caught the ferry over to FraserIsland! Once we arrived the other groups headed off straight away, leaving us alone and map-less! We ended up having to guess where we were going and eventually arrived at this beautiful lagoon 40mins late. But it was worth it in the end! The water was green and there were huge sand dunes running down to the waters edge! The weather was extremely hot, and apart from Sarah screaming at the fish in the water (he biggest fear is fish) it was really nice and quiet because we had it all to ourselves! We spent an hour or so at the dunes before getting back into the jeep and heading in Jay's capable hands off-road to LakeBirabee. There were two people in the front, they were the lucky ones, and the 8 people crammed in the back were thrown around all over the place. Every bump was accentuated and after a few hours we were all in pain and suffering from whiplash, but it was s funny! LakeBirabee was unbelievable! It was a green lake surrounded with a white beach and lined with fern trees. I felt like I should be in Canada or something! The water was really warm and was tea-tree flavoured because of the trees. You can actually clean jewellery with the sand because it was so fine, and it is said to be very good for the skin! We spent a few hours with the beach to ourselves, overwhelmed at how lucky we were to be there, it was that nice! After a while we set off in search for our camp. Once we got there we all set up the tents and then managed to cook a BBQ. It was so cool being in the middle of nowhere having a BBQ, knowing there were dingoes around, being able to hear the sea and being able to see the milky way so clearly!
The next morning we woke early, lad breakfast and headed for Indian Head. This was an hour's drive away, down the highway, which was literally the beach which lay parallel to the sea, it was so bizarre, and then a short walk to the cliffs edge. On clear days you are supposed to be able to see stingray from this point and if you are lucky anything from dolphins to whales and turtles. We were not so lucky, but the view was incredible and definitely worth hiking to! After a while we headed to see the shipwreck which seemed to emerge from nowhere. It was so big, but difficult to imagine as a working ship as all that was left was the rusty outer shell of what once was. It is hard to imagine that people once sailed on such a thing. We got lots of photos, but couldn't get too close because it was marked as dangerous, and it also partly lay in the sea, which again was full of breeding tiger sharks!
That night after another great day we cooked food, had a few drinks and headed to the beach down a long and dark sandy trail. It was incredibly dark, as there were no lights on the island. The boys showed me sparks in the sand, which must have been from either the moons reflection on the sand, or from the remnants of dead jelly-fish that swarmed the beach during the day. Whichever they were it was cool to see. We also saw the Milky Way, and spent ages just staring at the sky. It seems very poetic and cliché but it was so amazing, it's too hard to explain.
After another comfortable night in the tents we packed up and headed for the champagne pools. This was a bay surrounded by huge rocks, which let the water in but kept the bubbles from the tide in its mouth, hence its name. We sat up on the rocks and sunbathed, getting splashed every few minutes by the strong waves. The sun was still out so we took the opportunity to do impressions of Peter Andre's Mysterious Girl video, it had to be done!
Afterwards it was my turn to drive off road, which was scary but awesome! It's so hard when you get stuck in sand, but luckily for me we were ok and headed along some really broken tracks to the place everyone had most been looking forward to, LakeMcKenzie. The weather seemed to change as we arrived and we experienced a bit of rain, which was a shame as it was our last day on the island, but it didn't matter. The lake was equally beautiful. There was a camera crew there taking pictures of the girls, which was rather strange, but they said it was for a tourist documentary, which seemed to make sense.
We spent a few hours at the lake, all chatting and having a laugh, and then it was time to catch the ferry. The weekend seemed to go so quickly, none of us wanted to leave. We got to the boat and the weather was so hot yet again. All the cars were lined up waiting to return to reality, and you could see none of the others wanted to go either!
This was by far one of the best weekends! I just wish I could do it all over again!
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