Actually we saw a few so it was a very good day. :P
Today we took a long hike to a beautiful gorge that we abseiled down. It was a samll drop to a ledge that we walked across to another place where we abseiled down a longer drop. The bottom was realy nice so expect many pictures when we get home. Some of us got to eat some alpine clovers or sour grass as we call it. Reggie got hit on by one of our helpers for abseling and got his number. Apparently swiss men have a thing for canadians.
After the abseling we went down to the wood carvers and got woggels with our names on it. All the things inside were so nice it was mazing what they could do with a single peice of wood. we went next door to a bakery and had lemon cake and a cool drink beofre setting off on our long journey back to chalet.
over all it was a good day. we are all in need of a shower and a good nights sleep.
Blogger -Adisson :D
- comments
James Bond Sounds like everyone had a super fun and very tiring day. Glad to see the cats there are as awesome as they are here. Keep having fun. Meow.
dee's mom no exchanging numbers. refer to "rules and guidelines" originally handed out by Mandy. :) can't wait to see the abseiling pics. enjoy!
Louise D I can't wait to see your pictures, sounds breath taking! Did you take pictures of the cats also? Please do not bring home any stray cats or boys! Miss you, Mamatails.
Carol (Alli's mum) Sounds like the sights are interesting all around! Your poor leaders!
Jaime Dunn Adisson don't listen to mom. Bring home a cat! :)