Ginge's Travels
Hey everyone, we've actually just left Cairns and I couldn't update cause none of the computers were fast enough!! So I'm gonna tell everyone about the past 3 days right now!! Our flight in was pretty good aside from the fact that we had some guy behind us snoring SO loudly and a crazy woman in front of us singing SO badly! But we got there, got picked up by our booked hostel at the airport and headed to our home for the next 3 days... except... when we got there our faces dropped... turns out we were staying in a hostel which resembled more of a prison!!!! It was pretty dirty and there were holes in the walls round the windows, but we survived and it turned out to be pretty fun (well I thought so anyway! Mountford will try and tell you otherwise!!!) We went out Monday night as it was called "Mad Monday" and everyone in the hostel went out on a pub crawl around the town where I got horribly worse for wear forgetting we had to be up at 7am the next morning!!! So the night out was probably one of the best I've had, but the next day was not. See, we'd booked to go on a joint snorkelling and scuba diving course for the next day as it was the only time we could do it and let me just say having the worst hangover of your life and being on a boat do not mix. I've decided never to go on a boat again. But despite experiencing sea sickness for the first time ever and missing one of the snorkels, because I literally couldn't move, it was a really fun day!!!!! I got an underwater camera, but I am gonna develop it when I get home, so unfortunately I can't put the pictures up on here. I am gonna try and get some pics of Cairns up soon though, even though we didn't actually get very many just cause it was pretty wild! Anyway, thanks to everyone for your messages again! Sorry if I haven't replied very much, but I don't have a great deal of time, and the internet is pretty expensive out here!!!!!! Speak to you soon, Ginge x
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