yo wats happenin boyos i hope u guys had fun here in bogan australia nice website ginge
ps: u r more mature then james
hi alex how are u? what are u doing now? are u ok alex keep in touch with me ok email me back love grace
Hey Ginge- I just found out about your website so now there is no way to escape my random messages! Your trip looks so much fun - say hey to Mountford for me! I booked my travels this week- I'm going to France for 3 weeks with Katie and then we're gonna Inter rail around Europe for another month in the summer- I'm really looking forward to it! Plus you'll be so proud of me (or horribly ashamed)- I got Take That tickets! Oh and I went to Vegas which was amazing and got to marry a wax work model of George Clooney at Madam Tussauds- so much fun. Anyway so many other random thoughts to share but I'm really tired (I went to see Mission Impossible III today- that fillm tired me out- I had to concentrate a lot- apparently they have these cinemas in Australia which have huge arm chairs-you should go)- so I better go. Take care of yourselves and don't get lost x x
Hey Alex, u scary risk taker jumping out of planes!! well i dont need to hope ur having a good time cos the pictures say it all, which i love by the way. i wish i could be there it looks so great! im not sure when ur coming back, but if ur back by the summer holidays we'll have 2 come visit u so u can fill us in on all the details! love you loads and enjoy it! x x Georgie x x
Guys, just read your postcard, If you make it all the way to Cairns then do the Whitsundays islands on the way. We didnt actually manage to get there but apparently its amazing there. Hows things going? U still managing to keep the drum and bass to a minimum now Im not there Ginge? Just went to see Christine so hopefully she might leave u guys a message soon.. Everyone was asking after u guys at school, take it easy!
hi alex how are u? where are u now? i hope u will come back home safety have u spoken to your mum and maggie yet have u still got my mobile? email me back love grace
boys.. hows Aus?? Im back here in the UK aftr a 7 hour delay at Auckland airport! Did you get the van back without them noticing the horrible damage?? The weather is cold and wet but it still feels good to be home, I suprised mum by calling her to let her know I had got to Australia and then just rang on the door bell, she almost dropped dead..heart attack. You can still find them.. Jumz the super ten is on its way in 177 so that should be fun! Also dude, my brother has got the new tomb raider which is quality, Im glued to the computer screen like a 13 year old until i finish it, thought u might be jealous! email me when u guys get this take care j
hi alex how are u? that was nice to hear from you i am going to college on tuesday but i am going out later with my mum and my dad how is your mum and maggie email me back love grace
Hi Alex - your mum gave me your web details when we were out on one of our very sedate book club evenings!! down the Griffin as usual, the place is'nt the same without you, but I'm sure I know where you'd rather be. Pics look fab and i'm sure your having an amazing time and i'm very very jealous cause i think we are in for another wet bank holiday weekend in Reading, oh joy!! - enjoy. Siobhan x
Hey everyone, thanks for all your messages, it's been so cool to hear from you all. Sorry I haven't posted in ages, but I've had alot of hiccups and things recently!!! I'll explain it all soon I promise!!! Anyway, Jamie's gone back to England now, and me and Mountford got to Melbourne last night. Thanks again to everyone.
Love Ginge x
I apologise on Mountford's behalf for the random coupld of messages below, he just discovered how to do it and thinks it's hilarious!!!
Hey Ginge, your trip looks really amazing, thank your mums for leaving me a message! Dont like the roadkill section though. I'm so proud you managed to conquer your fear of heights and now I cant wait to do all those things and the bungee jumping most, but im not sure you did that! Say hi to J and Mountford for me and wish me luck in my scary country. Love Charlotte xxx
hi, hope your having a fantastic time! I heard that "mountford" character is alot , ALOT of fun.... stay safe