Ginge's Travels
Hello everyone again! The last time I posted we had just arrived in Brisbane after leaving Cairns, and right now, we are in our hostel in the centre of Sydney. We got in after the long and shattering train journey down from Brisbane, which we got on at 7.30am on Thursday, got off at Nambucca Heads for a break at 1.30pm, got back on at 11pm and slept on the night train which got us into Sydney at 7.00am yesterday (Friday). Nambucca Heads was a nice place, pretty quiet and secluded, and full of old people, but seemed like an alright town!!! The train journeys were pretty unbearable I thought, with screming kids and crazy old men (as usual) but we made it, and yesterday we used the last day on our train ticket to visit the Blue Mountains at Katoomba (2 hours outside of Sydney). We really didn't know what to expect as we'd only been told it's nice but it turns out it was incredible!! We walked from the station to a place called Echo Point where there was this incredible view of the biggest canyon I've ever seen! I've put up some pictures taken (courtesy of James Mountford) but they really don't do justice to the size of this thing!!! The Three Sisters (which is a rock formation to the left of Echo Point) was incredible, and we found out there was a series of 1000 steps which went all the way down the 3 sisters and into the forest below!! Which of course we decided to do! Once we got to the bottom, we trekked through the Luara Forest for a bit and decided it was time to climb back up which was pretty enjoyable!! NOT!!! After that we went to Katoomba Cascades and Katoomba Falls, which were pretty amazing. After we decided it was lunch-time, instead of taking the path back up to the town centre, we climbed the cascades, which was scary as you like, but a pretty fun achievement!!! We then realised it was still about another 30 minute walk to the town and tried to hitch-hike which proved unsuccessful, however we found the coolest bus driver who said he'd take us back up to the town for free!!! He said that when he was a kid he'd always wished the bus driver would do that for him and he never did!!! Anyway, we stuffed our faces with food and got on the train back to our hostel, immediately collapsing on our beds for a good nights sleep! I think we're gonna go and explore the site around Sydney today so I'll have a Photo Album and Postcard more specific to Sydney up soon. Love love love love xxxxxxxxxxxx
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